Ductus Wirsüngianus a vražda jeho objaviteľa // SOLEN

Slovenská chirurgia 2/2015

Ductus Wirsüngianus a vražda jeho objaviteľa

MUDr. Juraj Strmeň, CSc., h. doc.

Chirurgia a jej história sú ohromujúce, pričom rozkvet chirurgie sa ukázal ako dominantné kvantum intelektuálneho niveau človeka prameniace z jeho myslenia a empírie. Pankreas bol len donedávna pre chirurgov terrā incōgnitaa na drvivej väčšine pracovísk bolo výsostne akceptované hīc sunt leōnēs. Aj z toho dôvodu si dovoľujem detailnejšie informovať o anatómovi a jeho objavnej pitve, ktorý je raz navždy identifikovaný s chirurgickou anatómiou pankreasu, ako aj o jeho tragickom a brutálnom konci života.

Kľúčové slová: Johann Georg Wirsüng, ductus pacreaticus maior – Zuane Viaro della Badia, vražda.

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Wirsüng´s duct and the assassination of its discoverer

Surgery and its history are stunning whereas the flowering of surgery has proved as the dominant quantum of intellectual niveau of man, stemming from his thinking and empiricism. Pancreas was surgeons‘ terrā incōgnitauntil recently, and the vast majority of surgeries were highly regarded as hīc sunt leōnēs. And, therefore, I‘m taking the honor to inform in more detail about the anatomist and his pioneering autopsy, who is once and forever identified with the surgical anatomy of the pancreas, and also about the tragic and brutal end of his life.

Keywords: Johann Georg Wirsüng, main pancreatic duct – Zuane Viaro della Badia, assassination.