Trvalá bludová porucha // SOLEN

Psychiatria pre prax 4/2009

Trvalá bludová porucha

MUDr. Iveta Fiziková

Kazuistika uvádza prípad 43-ročnej pacientky prvohospitalizovanej na psychiatrickom oddelení pre trvalú bludovú poruchu. Anamnéza pacientky obsahovala niekoľko faktorov, ktoré mali vplyv na rozvoj tohto ochorenia. V jej klinickom obraze dominovali paranoidné bludy s výrazným vplyvom na konanie a afektivitu. Počas liečby sa prejavila pomerne veľká rezistencia voči farmakoterapii, typická pre tútu poruchu. V tomto prípade úspechom liečby bolo zmiernenenie paranoidných obsahov v myslení, s ich menším vplyvom na správanie a afektivtu pacientky.

Kľúčové slová: trvalá bludová porucha, paranoidný syndróm

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Paraphrenic schizophrenia

The case report presents the case of 43-year old patient, treated for paraphrenic schizophrenia at the psychiatry clinic for the first time in her life. The case history of the patient contained several factors that had influenced the rise of the disorder. The clinical presentation was dominated by paranoid delusions that had an important impact on the patient´s behavior and affectivity a relatively high resistance to the pharmacotherapy, typical for the disorder, appeared during therapy. We consider that the success of the therapy in the present case was in the reduction of paranoid contents in the patient ´s thinking as well as in the decrease of the implication of these contents on the patient ´s behaviour and affectivity.

Keywords: paraphrenic schizophrenia, paranoid syndrome