Pediatria pre prax 4/2016
Považské korene otca pojmu stres, Hansa Selyeho (1907 – 1982)
MUDr. László Kiss, CSc., dr. habil.
Hans Selye sa považoval za štvrtého člena lekárskej dynastie, ale vo svojich knihách neprezradil mená svojich predkov. Autor na základe bádania v archíve ako i v dobových publikáciách dokázal, že starý otec Hansa Selyeho sa ešte volal Schlesinger a pôsobil v Pruskom (župe Trenčianskej) ako okresný lekár Trenčianskej župy.
Kľúčové slová: Hans Selye, Hugo Selye, Samuel Schlesinger, Pruszka/Pruské, župa Trenčianska
Father of the stress, Hans Selye (1907-1982) and his ancestors in county Trencsén (Slovakia)
Hans Selye regarded himself as the fourth generation of medical dynasty, but in his books he did not name his ancestors. Based on facts from archives and contemporary literature the author demonstrated that the grandfather of Hans Selye was called Schlesinger and he worked in Pruszka (today: Pruské) in county Trencsén as a district physician.
Keywords: Hans Selye, Hugo Selye, Samuel Schlesinger, Pruszka/Pruské, county Trencsén