Infekčné epiteliálne tumorčeky – molluscum contagiosum // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 3/2014

Infekčné epiteliálne tumorčeky – molluscum contagiosum

doc. MUDr. Tibor Danilla, CSc.

Molluscum contagiosum patrí do skupiny kožných vírusových chorôb. Spôsobuje ho humánny dermatotropný vírus zo skupiny poxvírusov. Ochorenie je časté v dojčenskom a batolivom veku u detí s atopickou dermatitídou. Prenos sa uskutočňuje priamym kontaktom s chorým, ale aj nepriamo prostredníctvom odevu, uterákov, na plavárňach. Na vzniku choroby sa podieľajú poškodenie rohovej vrstvy kože, poruchy celulárnej imunity. Ochorenie má typické prejavy – hladké, lesklé, pupčekovo preliačené papuly perleťovej farby, ktoré umožňujú klinickú diagnostiku. Sú opísané atypické formy, komplikácie, histopatologická diagnostika. Diskutuje sa o výhodách a nevýhodách rôznych spôsobov liečby. Odporúča sa rýchle odstránenie prejavov pre možnosť autoinokulácie a šírenia v kolektívoch. Choré deti by nemali byť zaradené do kolektívu.

Kľúčové slová: infekčný epiteliom, mollusum, klinika, diagnostika, liečba, dieťa.

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Infectious epithelial tumors – Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is skin infectious disease belongs to the group of viral diseases. Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a human dermatotropic virus from the poxvirus group. The disease is common in infancy and young hood often in children suffered with atopic dermatitis. Transmission may be realized by direct contact with the sick children, but may be transmitted also in directly via the garment, the towels or in swimming pools. Contributory factors for developing the disease tend to damage of the horny layer of the skin, impaired cellular immunity. Typically there are seen smooth, shiny, umbilicated papules, dented pearl colour, which allowed to established clinical diagnosis. There are described atypical forms, complications, histopathological diagnosis and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of the treatment. Attention is drawn to the advantage of the rapid removal of speeches for the possibility autoinoculation and dissemination in groups. Children with symptoms should be excluded from children collectives.

Keywords: infectious epithelioma, mollusum, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, child.