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MUDr. Oľga Sadovská
(S2/2007, Supplement ) - Deciding on dialysis patients in senior age
MUDr. Jana Hoozová
(6/2017, Electronic attachment ) - Ethical and communication aspects of terminal sedation
doc. MUDr. Miroslav Kala, CSc.
(3/2016, Electronic attachment ) - PAIN – AGGRAVATING SYMPTOMS
MUDr. Hedviga Jakubíková
(6/2005, Topic ) - The role of palliative medicine in geriatric oncology
MUDr. Andrea Škripeková, PhD., MUDr. Lucia Dzurillová
(5/2021, Interdisciplinary consilium ) - Pacemaker or implanted cardioverter-defibrillator in palliative patients
MUDr. Mária Kvetová
(2/2024, Review articles )
- Optimising treatment in Alzheimer’s disease
MUDr. Vanda Franková
(4/2016, Review articles )
- Nutrition dilemma: gastrostomy in a patient with Parkinson’s disease. Collaboration of a palliative care specialist and a neurologist
MUDr. Denisa Mlčochová, MUDr. Pavel Dušek<br /> , MUDr. Hana Brožová, Ph.D., MUDr. MgA. Kateřina Rusinová, Ph.D.
(2/2020, Main topic ) - Breakthrough pain – clinical presentation and treatment
MUDr. Dana Vondráčková
(5/2009, Review articles ) - Neurostimulation in treating pharmacoresistant epilepsy
Prof. MUDr. Milan Brázdil, Ph.D.
(1/2018, Main topic ) - Pain in cancer patients
MUDr. Ondřej Sláma, Ph.D.
( Brožúra Liečba chronickej bolesti/2011, Review articles ) - Ethical aspects of help in families with spinal muscular atrophies
Mgr. Helena Kočová
(6/2013, From the boundary of neurology ) - Indication of the palliative hospital care for stroke survivors
doc. MUDr. Miroslav Kala, CSc., Mgr. Zlatica Dorková, Ph.D.
(3/2015, Review articles ) - Glycogen storage disease type II (GSD II, Pompe disease). Current diagnostic and therapeutic options. Clinical case report
MUDr. Věra Malinová
(5/2010, Review articles ) - New insights on the treatment of dementia
Mgr. Radoslava Bajtošová, doc. MUDr. Iva Holmerová, Ph.D., doc. MUDr. Robert Rusina, Ph.D.
(3/2021, Main topic ) - Subcortical band heterotopia of the cerebral cortex with pharmacoresistant epilepsy
prof. MUDr. Petr Kaňovský, CSc., doc. MUDr. Robert Kuba, Ph.D., doc. MUDr. Stanislav Buřval, Ph.D., MUDr. Milan Labonek, MUDr. Marta Neklanová, MUDr. Jindřiška Burešová, prof. MUDr. Roman Herzig, Ph.D.
(1/2012, Case reports ) - Deep brain stimulation in the context of neurostimulation treatment of epilepsy
prof. MUDr. Ivan Rektor, CSc., FCMA, FANA
(5/2013, Main topic ) - Paliativní léčba a péče u nemocných s neurologickými chorobami
MUDr. Jan Hromada
(1/2010, Main topic ) - Palliative treatment in brain and spinal cord tumours
prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Kadaňka, CSc.
(1/2010, Main topic ) - Palliative treatment in stroke
MUDr. Jan Hromada
(1/2010, Main topic ) - Palliative care in patients with Parkinson's disease
prof. MUDr. Martin Bareš, Ph.D.
(1/2010, Main topic ) - Management of advanced dementia – palliative approach
MUDr. Robert Rusina, MUDr. MgA. Kateřina Rusinová, doc. MUDr. Iva Holmerová, Ph.D., doc. MUDr. Jiří Šimek, CSc.
(1/2010, Main topic ) - Palliative care in patients in vegetative state
MUDr. David Doležil, Ph.D.
(1/2010, Main topic ) - Palliative care in terminal states of motor neuron diseases (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, progressive bulbar palsy, and progressive muscular atrophy)
MUDr. Petr Ridzoň, MUDr. Radim Mazanec, Ph.D.
(1/2010, Main topic ) - Palliative care in advanced muscular dystrophies
MUDr. Jan Hromada
(1/2010, Main topic ) - Palliative Care and Treatment in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
MUDr. Hedviga Jakubíková, doc. MUDr. Eleonóra Klímová, CSc.
(1/2010, Main topic ) - Palliative care in paediatric neurology
MUDr. Josef Kraus, CSc.
(1/2010, Main topic ) - Transformations of epilepsy surgery in the 21 st century
prof. MUDr. Milan Brázdil, Ph.D.
(2/2015, Main topic ) - Prion diseases
MUDr. Radoslav Matěj, Ph.D., MUDr. Robert Rusina, Ph.D.
(2/2012, Main topic ) - Aspects of palliative care in advanced dementia
doc. MUDr. Robert Rusina, Ph.D., JUDr. Šárka Špeciánová
(2/2020, Main topic ) - Neuropalliative care
Claire J. Creutzfeldt, MD
(2/2020, Main topic )
- More life less pain. How to help parents when their child is dying? (Recommendations for physicians)
Mgr. Lucia Kralovičová, Hana Kolibiarová, MSW, MUDr. Mária Jasenková
(1/2018, Review articles ) - Pediatric palliative care in Slovakia
MUDr. Ondrej Kysel, MUDr. Mária Jasenková
(1/2018, Original articles & Case reports ) - Use of morphine in home setting in children
MUDr. Mária Jasenková
(1/2013, Review articles ) - Prevention of infective endocarditis in children
MUDr. Pavol Kunovský, CSc., MBA
(6/2013, Review articles ) - Perinatal palliative care programmes
MUDr. Dana Dolníková, MUDr. Ivana Letenayová
(6/2024, Review articles ) - European Charter on Palliative Care for Children and Young People
MUDr. Anna Svitková
(4/2024, Guidelines )
MUDr. Ivan Kolombo, FEBU, MUDr. Martina Poršová, MUDr. Jaroslav Porš, MUDr. Richard Pabišta
(5-6/2007, Review articles )
- The role of palliative medicine in the organizational frame of oncological care in Slovakia
MUDr. Kristina Križanová
(4/2012, Main topic ) - New trends in psychosocial oncology
MUDr. Eva Siracká, DrSc.
(4/2012, Main topic ) - Monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
MUDr. Eva Mikušková, MUDr. Ľudmila Demitrovičová, MUDr. Juraj Chudej, PhD.
(6/2014, Oncohematology Review ) - Radiotherapy of malignant melanoma
MUDr. Margita Pobijaková
(3/2013, Main topic ) - Cancer cachexia – benefits and risks of nutritional support in cancer cachexia in the light of evidence-based medicine
MUDr. Ján Rajec, PhD., doc. MUDr. Michal Mego, PhD., MUDr. Silvia Cingelová, PhD.
(3/2013, Review articles ) - Current possibilities of treatment of chronic B-lymphocytic leukemia in Slovakia and world
Prof. MUDr. Mikuláš Hrubiško, CSc.
(1/2022, Review articles ) - Capecitabine and its role in the treatment of advanced HER2 positive breast cancer
doc. MUDr. Igor Andrašina, CSc., MUDr. Radovan Barilla, PhD.
MUDr. Dagmar Sorkovská, MUDr. Dušan Poruban, CSc., prof. MUDr. Štefan Galbavý, DrSc.
(2/2008, Original articles ) - Personalized medicine approach in metastatatic colorectal cancer
MUDr. Vanda Ušáková, PhD.
(6/2013, Review articles ) - Position FOLFOX chemotherapy in the outpatient treatment of colorectal cancer
MUDr. Marián Kakalejčík, MUDr. Ján Vongrey, MUDr. Andrej Orolín
(3/2014, Review articles ) - Správa z 10. kongresu európskej asociácie paliatívnej starostlivosti v Budapešti v dňoch 7. – 9. 6. 2007
MUDr. Kristina Križanová
(4/2007, Events ) - Contemporary possibilities of adrenocortical carcinoma treatment
doc. MUDr. Ján Ľupták, PhD., prof. MUDr. Ján Kliment, CSc., MUDr. Boris Eliáš, PhD., prof. MUDr. Ján Švihra, PhD., MUDr. Ján Kliment jr.
(1/2013, Review articles ) - Cancer cachexia in the perspective of the new definition
MUDr. Andrea Škripeková
(2/2012, Review articles ) - Specifics of geriatric patients in oncology
MUDr. Peter Jonáš, MUDr. Monika Križanová
(5/2012, Main topic ) - Systemic treatment of bladder cancer – neoadjuvant, adjuvant and palliative chemotherapy
MUDr. Branislav Bystrický, MUDr. Filip Kohútek, MUDr. Peter Kohútek, MUDr. Tomáš Sedláček
(3/2016, Review articles ) - Breakthrough pain – classification, diagnostic, treatment
MUDr. Darina Hasarová
(3/2016, Review articles ) - Myelofibróza – posúdenie nových liečebných možností
MUDr. Antónia Hatalová
Mgr. Mária Hatoková
(2/2007, Review articles ) - The role of laparoscopy in the management of peritoneal carcinomatosis
MUDr. Boris Babiš, MUDr. Rastislav Johanes, PhD., MUDr. Karel Kroupa, PhD
(1/2014, Review articles ) - View of the cancer patient with cachexia syndrome
MUDr. Andrea Škripeková
(5/2010, Original articles & case reports ) - RADIOTHERAPY OF PROSTATIC CANCER
MUDr. Vladimír Malec, PhD.
(4/2006, Review articles ) - The role of palliative medicine in geriatric oncology
MUDr. Andrea Škripeková, PhD., MUDr. Lucia Dzurillová
(3/2021, Review articles ) - Pokrok v imunoterapii malígneho melanómu a karcinómu pľúc inhibítormi imunitných kontrolných bodov
MUDr. Róbert Godál
(2/2018, Main topic ) - Publikujeme v zahraničí
(4/2013, Information & comments ) - Qualitative analysis of practicing oncologists’ attitudes and experiences regarding collection of patient-reported outcomes
doc. MUDr. Peter Beržinec, CSc.
(4/2013, Information & comments ) - Third line treatment in a patient over 60 years of age with the refractory/relapsed aggressive B-non Hodgkin’s lymphoma type DLBCL
MUDr. Radoslav Greksák, PhD.
(6/2020, Case reports ) - How do we look at CDK4/6 inhibitors in palliative treatment today
MUDr. Miroslava Malejčíková
(2/2022, Main topic ) - Systemic treatment of advanced, persistent or recurrent cervical cancer
MUDr. Mária Rečková
(4/2015, Review articles ) - Basic principles of the palliative and hospice care
MUDr. Michal Mrocek
(6/2017, Main topic ) - Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma
MUDr. Mária Rečková
(2/2013, Main topic ) - Rare cancers of the head and neck
prof. MUDr. Stanislav Špánik, CSc., MUDr. Klaudia Gočárová, PhD.
(2/2013, Main topic ) - Radiotherapy of bone metastases
doc. MUDr. Pavol Dubinský, PhD.
(5/2013, Main topic ) - Palliative radiotherapy – brain metastatic disease
MUDr. Elena Bolješíková, CSc., MUDr. Martin Chorváth
(5/2013, Main topic ) - Surgical treatment of spinal metastases
MUDr. Peter Tisovský, PhD., MUDr. Juraj Horváth, PhD., MUDr. Karol Novorolský, MUDr. Andrey Švec, PhD.
(4/2016, Review articles ) - Chemoterapy of advanced gastric cancer – do we need a new drug?
MUDr. Tomáš Šálek
MUDr. Marta Kulichová, CSc., h. doc. SZU
MUDr. Pavol Lukačko, MUDr. Alica Lacková
MUDr. Karel Kroupa, PhD., MUDr. Daniel Pinďák, PhD., prof. MUDr. Juraj Pechan, PhD.
MUDr. Mária Jasenková
(5/2007, Palliative care ) - Basic principles in approaching patient and his family in the terminal phase of cancer
PhDr. Viera Bencová, PhD.
(1/2016, Review articles ) - The current status of biological therapy for relapsed/refractory classical hodgkin lymphoma – a case report
MUDr. Eva Mikušková, MUDr. Juraj Chudej, PhD., MUDr. Ľubica Váleková, PhD., MUDr. Matej Hrnčár, MUDr. Juraj Sokol, PhD., MUDr. Andrej Rosík
(2/2015, Original articles & case reports ) - Nonopioid analgesics and adjuvants in treatment of cancer pain
MUDr. Miroslav Ferenčík
(1/2017, Main topic ) - Breakthrough cancer pain
MUDr. Tatiana Geistová
(1/2017, Main topic ) - The use of 18F-FDG PET/CT for radiotherapy planning
MUDr. Andrea Masaryková
(2/2016, Main topic ) - Locoregional treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
MUDr. Magdaléna Mižičková, PhD., MUDr. Peter Mikula
MUDr. Peter Kalina, CSc.
(3/2007, Review articles - treatment ) - Domáca parenterálna výživa u onkologických pacientov
MUDr. Mária Voleková, MUDr. Júlia Popálená
MUDr. Richard Hrubý, PhD.
(3/2006, Review articles ) - Palliative care
MUDr. Kristina Križanová
(6/2014, Main topic ) - End of life
MUDr. Kristina Križanová, MUDr. Peter Križan
(6/2014, Main topic ) - The frailty: common point for geriatrician and palliative-carephysician
MUDr. Jana Hoozová
MUDr. Kristina Križanová
(3/2006, Review articles )
- Pruritus in palliative patients
MUDr. Eva Kováčová, PhD.
(3/2023, Interdisciplinary consilium )
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Ventilated patient hospice care – case report
MUDr. Martina Kozovská
(2e/2019, Original articles ) - „Bad News” Communication in palliative care
Mgr. Mária Andrášiová, PhD.
(3/2009, Review articles ) - Thyroid carcinoma in holistic palliative care
Mgr. Radka Alexandrová, MUDr. Ladislav Kabelka, Ph.D., Mgr. Helena Hájková, MUDr. Věra Havlénová, Jana Kirschová
(3/2009, Original articles ) - Urgent conditions in the palliative hospice care
doc. MUDr. Miroslav Kala, CSc.
(3/2011, Original articles ) - State of palliative care in Slovakia in 2022
MUDr. Andrea Škripeková, PhD., MUDr. Peter Stachura, MBA, Dr. Med., Ing. Eva Rybárová, Mgr. Erika Rusnáková, JUDr. Ivana Šarlinová, Ing. Lucia Kleščíková, PhD.
(1-2e/2022, Review articles ) - Opioid analgesics in the treatment of pain in the palliative patient
MUDr. Miroslav Ferenčík, MBA, Doc. MUDr. Igor Martuliak, PhD.
(1-2e/2022, Review articles ) - Spiritual needs of older people in palliative care
PhDr. Alica Slamková, PhD., PhDr. Ľubica Poledníková, PhD.
(1-2e/2022, Original articles ) - Eschatological transcendence of life in the context of spirituality with implications for palliative care
PhDr. Jiří Pospíšil, Ph.D., PhDr. Ivana Olecká, Ph.D.
(1-2e/2022, Original articles ) - Antidepressants in the indication of pain treatment in a palliative medicine
MUDr. Miroslav Ferenčík, MBA, Doc. MUDr. Igor Martuliak, PhD.
(1-2e/2021, Review articles ) - Liquid responsibility and the palliative care during the COVID-19 pandemia
Mgr. Katarína M. Vadíková, PhD.
(1-2e/2021, Review articles ) - Attitudes and knowledge of nursing students about hospice and palliative care
PhDr. Jana Čapská, PhD., PhDr. Iveta Vidi, PhD., PhDr. Alena Dziacka, PhD.
(1-2e/2021, Original articles ) - Activities of the support and palliative care team of the University Hospital Ostrava
Martina Vzorková, DiS., Jana Kapošváryová, Mgr. Marcel Koňařík, MBA, MUDr. Jarmila Kušnírová, Mgr. Jarmila Ozdincová, PhDr. Andrea Polanská, MBA, ThLic. Václav Tomiczek, Ph.D., Mgr. Markéta Večerková
(1-2e/2021, Information & comments ) - Ethical questions of artificial enteral feeding in palliative care
Mgr. BeLic. Pavlína Dobáková
(1e/2015, Review articles ) - Palliative medicine and care in Slovakia
MUDr. Kristina Križanová, MUDr. Andrea Škripeková
(2e/2015, Review articles ) - End of life
MUDr. Kristina Križanová, MUDr. Peter Križan
(1e/2015, Review articles ) - The frailty: common point for geriatrician and palliative-carephysician
MUDr. Jana Hoozová
(1e/2015, Review articles ) - Geriatric palliative care – case report
MUDr. Jana Hoozová
(2e/2015, Original articles ) - Management of advanced dementia – palliative approach
MUDr. Robert Rusina, MUDr. MgA. Kateřina Rusinová, doc. MUDr. Iva Holmerová, Ph.D., doc. MUDr. Jiří Šimek, CSc.
(3/2010, Review articles ) - Advanced heart failure management in palliative care settings
MUDr. Ladislav Kabelka, Ph.D., MUDr. Věra Havlénová
(2/2009, Review articles ) - General and specialist palliative care in Czech republic
MUDr. Ondřej Sláma, Ph.D.,
(1/2012, Review articles ) - Quality of life among patients in a programme of palliative cancer care
doc. MUDr. Ladislav Slováček, Ph.D., MUDr. Birgita Slováčková, Ph.D.
(1/2012, Review articles ) - Terminall stage in 28 years old woman
MUDr. Ladislav Kabelka, Ph.D., MUDr. Věra Havlénová
(2/2009, Original articles ) - Nursing education in palliative care in Slovakia
PhDr. Zuzana Schmidtová, PhD., PhDr. Eva Bednáriková, PhD., PhDr. Zuzana Spáčilová, PhD.
(1/2012, Information & comments ) - Perinatal palliative care programmes
MUDr. Dana Dolníková, MUDr. Ivana Letenayová
(1-2e/2023, Review articles ) - Pacemaker or implanted cardioverter-defibrillator in palliative patients
MUDr. Mária Kvetová
(1-2e/2023, Review articles ) - Report from the jubilee 10th Annual of International Conference of Hospice and Palliative Care
Mgr. Natália Krišteková, ThDr. Ing. Vladimír Thurzo, PhD.
(1-2e/2023, Events ) - Subcutaneous application of fluids and drugs (utilization options in geriatrics and palliative care)
MUDr. Jana Hoozová
(1-2e/2018, Review articles ) - Multidisciplinary team in palliative care at the haemato-oncology department – case study
PhDr. ThLic. Marta Hošťálková, Th.D., Ph.D., MUDr. Renata Urbanová, Ph.D., Bc. Jitka Vítková
(1-2e/2018, Original articles ) - Pediatric palliative care in Slovakia
MUDr. Ondrej Kysel, MUDr. Mária Jasenková
(1-2e/2018, Original articles ) - Approach to a patient with dementia in palliative care
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et. PhD.
(1e/2019, Review articles ) - Has hospice justification in the health care system?
MUDr. Kristína Kroftová
(2e/2015, Review articles ) - Transfer of some aspects of palliative home care to an intensive care unit
Mgr. Šárka Pešlová, Mgr. Veronika DiCara, PhD.
(1e/2019, Original articles ) - Selected communication problems of geriatric palliative care
MUDr. Lucia Šimoňáková
(1e/2019, Review articles ) - Chemotherapy and biological targeted therapy in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
MUDr. Miloslav Pála, Ph.D., MBA
(2/2013, Review articles ) - Child in the terminal stage and the importance of family support in palliative care
PhDr. Iveta Ondriová, PhD., PhDr. Janka Cínová, PhD.
(2/2013, Review articles ) - Sipping enteral nutrition and its role in advancing patients – how to choose and use it
Tamara Starnovská
(2/2010, Review articles ) - Palliative care about the children with HIV/AIDS in Kenya
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et. PhD., PhDr. Lenka Fabianová, PhD.
(1/2011, Information & comments ) - Terminal phase of Alzheimer´s disease in 74 years old woman
MUDr. Věra Havlénová, MUDr. Ladislav Kabelka, PhD.
(2/2010, Original articles ) - Palliative medicine in Norway – a model for Slovakia?
Kjell Erik Strømskag, MD, Phd
(2/2010, Information & comments ) - Palliative care in terminal states of motor neuron diseases (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, progressive bulbar palsy, and progressive muscular atrophy)
MUDr. Petr Ridzoň, MUDr. Radim Mazanec, Ph.D.
(1/2011, Review articles ) - Transfusion therapy in patients with advanced oncological disease – clinical and ethical aspects
MUDr. Ondřej Sláma, Ph.D., MUDr. Lenka Šmardová
(1/2011, Review articles ) - Palliative care for patient with end-stage dementia
MUDr. Jana Brtáňová
(1e/2016, Review articles ) - Anticoagulation in cancer patients in palliative care
MUDr. Ondřej Sláma, Ph.D., MUDr. Kateřina Menčíková, MUDr. Irena Závadová
(1e/2016, Original articles ) - Psychical problems of the incurably ill and the tasks of a psychologist in palliative care
Patricia Dobríková
(3/2008, Review articles ) - Communication with relatives of the patient in palliative care
Doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD, Mgr. Barbora Mešková
(1-2e/2017, Review articles ) - Is availability and quality of the palliative care in chronic cardiac failure patients sufficient?
Doc. MUDr. Miroslav Kala, CSc., PhDr. Helena Novotná, MUDr. Marie Lazárová
(1-2e/2017, Review articles ) - Dictionary palliative and terminal care and ethical attitudes expressed
MUDr. Kristina Križanová, MUDr. Peter Križan
(3/2012, Review articles ) - Basic principles of the palliative and hospice care
MUDr. Michal Mrocek
(1-2e/2017, Review articles ) - Assessment of needs of patients with chronic heart failure in palliative care
doc. MUDr. Miroslav Kala, CSc., PhDr. Helena Novotná
(2e/2016, Original articles ) - Antibiotics in palliative hosp
prof. MUDr. Milan Kolář, Ph.D., doc. MUDr. Miroslav Kala, CSc.
(2e/2016, Review articles ) - Deciding on dialysis patients in senior age
MUDr. Jana Hoozová
(2e/2016, Review articles ) - Psychological stress in palliative care
doc. MUDr. Igor Ondrejka, PhD., prof. MUDr. Katarína Adamicová, PhD., doc. MUDr. Želmíra Fetisovová, PhD., MUDr. Alena Mažgútová, PhD., MUDr. Mária Demeterová
(3/2012, Original articles ) - Correlation of increasing albumin level and fulfillments of therapeutic goal at parenteral nutrition support
MUDr. Andrea Škripeková, PhD.
MUDr. Martina Mikesková
MUDr. Oľga Sadovská
(1/2008, Review articles ) - Dermatological consultation in hospice by the internet
Doc. MUDr. Miroslav Kala, CSc., MUDr. Zora Poláčková, Mgr. Zlatica Dorková, Ph.D.
(1-2e/2017, Original articles ) - How to ensure dental care for hospice patients?
Doc. MUDr. Miroslav Kala, CSc., MUDr. Vítězslav Zbořil, Ph.D., JUDr. Jan Mach
(1-2e/2017, Interdisciplinary consilium ) - Physiotherapy in palliative care
PhDr. Lucia Kendrová, PhDr. Wioletta Mikuľáková, PhD., PhDr. Mgr. Petra Homzová
(1-2e/2017, Nursing ) - Bereavement care – possibilities and limits of proffesional support
Mgr. Radka Alexandrová, MUDr. Ladislav Kabelka, Ph.D., Mgr. Helena Hájková, Mgr. Jiří Prokop, Ph.D.
(1/2009, Original articles ) - Application of palliative ventilation: potential and clinical evidence in palliative care
Preklad: MUDr. Lucia Dzurillová
(1-2e/2017, Information & comments ) - Confusion in the palliative care
Mgr. Daria Dedičová
(1/2009, Nursing ) - Palliative care in dementia
MUDr. Miriam Jarčušková, PhD., MUDr. Dominika Jarčušková, PhD.
(1-2e/2024, Review articles ) - Mental health in patients in palliative medicine with considering the need for professional intervention of clinical psychologist and psychiatrist
MUDr. Miriam Jarčušková, PhD., doc. MUDr. Aneta Bednářová, PhD., MUDr. Dominika Jarčušková, PhD.
(1-2e/2024, Review articles ) - Pathological fractures of the long bones in the palliative hospice care
doc. MUDr. Miroslav Kala, CSc.
(1/2013, Original articles ) - Common neurological disorders demanding palliative care
MUDr. Hedviga Jakubíková
(1/2009, Interdisciplinary consilium ) - Acute Palliative Care
MUDr. Andrea Škripeková, PhD., MUDr. Lucia Dzurillová
(1-2e/2024, Standard procedures ) - Heart failure in the view of palliative medicine
MUDr. Peter Mikus, PhD.
(1-2e/2020, Review articles ) - European Charter on Palliative Care for Children and Young People
MUDr. Anna Svitková
(1-2e/2024, Standard procedures ) - Management of epilepsy in patients in palliative care
MUDr. Ladislav Kabelka, Ph.D., MUDr. Věra Havlénová
(1/2009, Review articles ) - Nursing in palliative care of child clients
Mgr. Jan Ratiborský, Mgr. Jaroslava Fendrychová, Ph.D.
(1/2013, Nursing ) - What is the place of palliative medicine in oncology?
MUDr. Mária Novisedláková
(1-2e/2020, Review articles ) - Ethical aspects of palliative sedative therapy
MUDr. Kristina Križanová
(1/2009, Review articles ) - Nursing diagnosis of death anxiety of cliens in inpatient hospic
PhDr. Zdeňka Římovská, Ph.D., Bc. Filip Schramm
(1-2e/2020, Review articles ) - Principles of non-onkocogy palliative care – the geriatrician‘s point of view
MUDr. Ladislav Kabelka
(2/2008, Review articles ) - Specifics of approach to patient receiving palliative care
Mgr. Jiří Prokop, Ph.D.
(1/2009, Review articles ) - Palliative care – way to preservation of quality and dignity of life in terminally ill persons
PhDr. Jana Sušinková
(1/2009, Review articles ) - Psychological aspects of palliative care
Mgr. Mária Andrášiová, PhD.
(2/2008, Review articles ) - The aspects of palliative care in oncohematology
MUDr. Marta Fričová, MUDr. Milena Surová
(2/2008, Interdisciplinary consilium ) - Pain in cancer patients
MUDr. Ondřej Sláma, Ph.D.
( Brožúra Liečba chronickej bolesti/2011, Review articles ) - Gastrointestinal adverse effects of therapy with opioids in palliative care
MUDr. Kristina Križanová
(1/2010, Review articles ) - Use of morphine in home setting in children
MUDr. Mária Jasenková
(2/2012, Review articles ) - Palliative care and treatment in multiple sclerosis patients
MUDr. Hedviga Jakubíková, doc. MUDr. Eleonóra Klímová, CSc.
(1/2010, Review articles ) - Living will and palliative medicine
MUDr. Kristina Križanová, MUDr. Peter Križan, CSc.
(1/2010, Review articles ) - Quality of life assessment of inpatient cancer patients in palliative care
Mgr. Magdaléna Sadovská
(2/2012, Original articles ) - Palliative care in paediatric neurology
MUDr. Josef Kraus, CSc.
(1/2010, Review articles ) - Criminal prosecution for professionally provided palliative care – nonsense or real threat?
MUDr. Ladislav Kabelka, Ph.D., doc. MUDr. Miroslav Kala, CSc.
(1/2010, Original articles )
- Optimising treatment in Alzheimer’s disease
MUDr. Vanda Franková
(3/2016, Current pharmacotherapy ) - Palliative medicine from the perspective of a clinical pharmacist
Mgr. Jana Gregorová
(4/2011, Clinical pharmacy )