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- Iatrogénna problematika antiepileptík
h. doc. MUDr. Vladimír Donáth, PhD.
(3/2003, Main topic ) - Elektroencefalografie v neurointenzivní péči
MUDr. Zdeněk Vojtěch
(1/2007, Main topic ) - Nonconvulsive status epilepticus
MUDr. David Krýsl, Ph.D., MUDr. Hana Krijtová, Prof. MUDr. Petr Marusič, Ph.D.
(3/2024, Main topic ) - Acute symptomatic seizures and status epilepticus – definition, causes and treatment
MUDr. Hana Krijtová, doc. MUDr. Petr Marusič, Ph.D., MUDr. David Krýsl
(4/2011, Review articles ) - EEG in non-convulsive status epilepticus
MUDr. Hana Krijtová, MUDr. David Krýsl, Ph.D., prof. MUDr Petr Marusič, Ph.D.
(3/2022, online attachment ) - Status epilepticus
MUDr. Miroslav Kalina
(2/2002, Main topic )
- Use of EEG on intensive care units
MUDr. Štefan Benik, MUDr. Karol Hajnovič
(2/2024, Review articles )