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- Hepatitis C in the community of drug users in Slovakia
doc. MUDr. Katarína Gazdíková, PhD., RNDr. Daniela Hučková, doc. MUDr. Igo Kajaba, PhD., †doc. MUDr. František Gazdík, PhD., RNDr. Martina Valachovičová, PhD., Ing. Marica Krajčovičová-Kudláčková, DrSc., RNDr. Jana Kadrabová, PhD.
(6/2012, Original articles & case reports ) - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulation, antiplatelet medications, changes gastric and duodenal mucosa
prof. MUDr. Petr Dítě, DrSc., MUDr. Ivo Novotný, prof. MUDr. Miroslav Penka, CSc.
(2/2010, Review articles ) - Pharmacotherapy of rheumatoid arthritis II. – biological therapy
doc. MUDr. Želmíra Macejová, PhD., doc. MUDr. Ivan Rybár, PhD.
(2/2010, Drugs & drug classes ) - Nimesulide in the treatment of acute pain in the general practitioner
MUDr. Ingrid Niedermayerová
(1/2016, Review articles ) - Pharmacotherapy of inflammatory rheumatic diseases
PharmDr. Tatiana Geročová, PhD.
(6/2014, Interdisciplinary consilium ) - IDIOPATIC INFLAMMATORY MYOPATHY
MUDr. Oľga Lukáčová, PhD., doc. MUDr. Jozef Lukáč, CSc., prof. MUDr. Jozef Rovenský, DrSc., FRCP
(1/2008, Topic ) - The review of clinical and preclinical studies about the effects of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and young barley leaves on organism
doc. MUDr. Martin Péč, PhD., doc. MUDr. Renata Péčová, PhD., Doc. RNDr. Peter Kubatka, PhD.
prof. MUDr. Jozef Rovenský, DrSc., FRCP, MUDr. Daniel Žlnay, CSc., MUDr. Martin Žlnay
(1/2008, Topic ) - Relative safety of new obesity drugs: latest evidence and patient management
MUDr. Ľubomíra Fábryová, PhD.
(2/2017, Topic of the year ) - Latent tuberculosis infection and biological treatment
doc. MUDr. Ivan Solovič, CSc., MUDr. Zuzana Klimentová
(3–4/2013, Review articles ) - View of clinical immunology on targeted therapy of psoriasis
doc. MUDr. Martin Hrubiško, PhD.
prof. MUDr. Jozef Rovenský, DrSc., MUDr. Ivan Rybár, MUDr. Dagmar Mičeková, CSc., MUDr. Daniel Žlnay, PhD., doc. MUDr. Jozef Lukáč, CSc., MUDr. Peter Poprac, PhD.
(2/2005, Topic ) - Treatment algorithm for chronic hepatitis B according to the 2009 EASL guidelines
MUDr. Michal R. Piják, MUDr. Veronika Csibová
(S3/2009, Supplement ) - Therapy of inflammatory bowel disease during pregnancy
MUDr. Jana Koželuhová, MUDr. Karel Balihar, MUDr. Eva Janská, MUDr. Lucie Fremundová, Prof. MUDr. Martin Matějovič, Ph.D.
(5/2016, Electronic attachment ) - Sine syndrome in systemic sclerosis
prof. MUDr. Jozef Rovenský, DrSc., FRCP, doc. MUDr. Martina Vašáková, Ph.D.
(6/2010, Original articles & case reports ) - COXIBS IN RHEUMATOLOGY
doc. MUDr. Jozef Lukáč, CSc., prof. MUDr. Jozef Rovenský, DrSc., MUDr. Oľga Lukáčová, PhD.
(2/2005, Topic ) - Klinické prejavy systémového lupus erytematozus
MUDr. Ivana Révayová
prof. MUDr. Andrej Černák, DrSc., MUDr. Martin Černák, MUDr. Branislav Trnavec
JUDr. MUDr. Peter Kováč
(10/2005, Paragraph ) - Diagnostic approach and treatment of coeliac disease in general practitioner office
MUDr. Jozef Klucho
doc. MUDr. Martin Hrubiško, PhD.
(2/2006, Main topic ) - Infekcia vírusom HIV a zdravotnícky pracovník
doc. MUDr. Vlastimil Mayer, DrSc., MUDr. Alexander Mayer
(12/2005, Spectrum ) - Manažment pacientov s chronickou hepatitídou C s „normálnou“ aktivitou aminotransferáz
prof. MUDr. Ivan Schréter, CSc., MUDr. Peter Kristian
(4/2006, clearly ) - Hyperthyroidism from the perspective of clinician
Doc. MUDr. Zdeněk Fryšák, CSc., doc. MUDr. David Karásek, Ph.D., MUDr. Milan Halenka, Ph.D.
(4/2015, Review articles ) - Are general practitioners for adults aware of the risk of prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs?
prof. MUDr. Milan Kriška, DrSc., prof. MUDr. Ján Gajdošík, PhD., doc. PhDr. Darina Brukkerová, PhD., MPH, MUDr. Marian Zelina
(6/2016, Original articles & case reports ) - Weight loss pharmacotherapy of obese non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic patients
MUDr. Ľubomíra Fábryová, PhD.
(6/2015, Topic of the year ) - HIV infection – an actuall issue
Doc. RNDr. Danica Staneková, CSc.
(6/2015, Interdisciplinary consilium ) - Biologics for rheumatoid arthritis treatment
prof. MUDr. Juraj Payer, CSc., MUDr. Daniel Čierny, doc. MUDr. Zdenko Killinger, PhD., MUDr. Kristína Brázdilová
(9/2009, Review articles ) - Deep vein thrombosis – minimum for general practitioners
MUDr. Dalibor Musil, Ph.D.
doc. MUDr. Ján Podoba, CSc.
(5/2005, Topic ) - Betamethasone in the treatment of painful musculoskeletal disorders – indications, efficacy and safety profile
Doc. MUDr. Peter Špalek, PhD., MUDr. Miroslav Satko
(1/2017, Interdisciplinary consilium ) - Hepatitis C virus prevalence among general population and risk groups in Slovak republic
doc. MUDr. František Gazdík, PhD., doc. MUDr. Katarína Gazdíková, PhD., doc. MUDr. Igo Kajaba, PhD., RNDr. Kristína Fejdiová
(6/2011, Review articles ) - Sine syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus (clinical and immunological)
prof. MUDr. Jozef Rovenský, DrSc., FRCP, doc. MUDr. Martina Vašáková, PhD., doc. Ing. Stanislava Blažíčková, PhD., MUDr. Alena Tuchyňová, PhD.
(3/2011, Original articles & case reports )
- Prevalence of viral hepatitis C and B in clients of resocialization facilities in Slovakia
doc. MUDr. Katarína Gazdíková, PhD., doc. MUDr. František Gazdík, PhD., RNDr. Daniela Hučková, doc. MUDr. Igo Kajaba, PhD., PhDr. Zuzana Miková, MPH.
(4/2010, Original articles & case reports ) - THE PHARMACOTHERAPY OF DEPRESSION
doc. MUDr. Ján Praško, CSc., , MUDr. Hana Prašková
(5/2006, Review articles ) - Anti-NMDAR encephalitis and schizophrenia, interesting penetrations and relation
MUDr. Zdenka Trokanová
(3/2014, Review articles )
- Monitoring of the efficacy of novel oral anticoagulants
MUDr. Aleš Tomek, Mgr. Adriana Ruzsiková, MUDr. Marta Zvarová, doc. MUDr. Robert Mikulík, Ph.D.
(3/2014, Main topic ) - Autoantibody-mediated disorders of the neuromuscular junction
doc. MUDr. Peter Špalek, PhD.
(2/2010, Main topic ) - Autoimmune encephalitides
MUDr. David Krýsl, Ph.D.
(6/2015, Main topic ) - Autoimmune syndromes of brainstem and cerebellum
doc. MUDr. Pavel Štourač, Ph.D.
(6/2015, Main topic ) - When to consider autoimmune etiology of central nervous system disorders in clinical practice
doc. MUDr. Petr Marusič, Ph.D., MUDr. Martin Elišák
(6/2015, Main topic ) - De novo development of super–refractory status epilepticus
MUDr. Tomáš Procházka , MUDr. Denisa Vondráčková, MUDr. Zdeněk Vojtěch, MUDr. Iva Marečková
(6/2015, Case reports ) - Anti CD20 multiple sclerosis therapy
Doc. MUDr. Pavel Štourač, Ph.D.
(1/2018, Pharmacotherapy ) - Autoimmune encephalitis? Not. False positivity of anti-NMDA antibodies in patient with Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease
MUDr. Barbora Sklenárová, MUDr. Irena Doležalová, Ph.D.
(1/2020, Video case reports ) - Myasthenia gravis with anti-MuSK antibodies
Doc. MUDr. Edvard Ehler, CSc., MUDr. Jiří Piťha
(5/2017, Main topic ) - Bickerstaff's autoimmune brainstem encephalitis
MUDr. Petra Plachá, prof. MUDr. Petr Kaňovský, CSc., MUDr. Michaela Kaiserová, Ph.D., MUDr. Sandra Kurčová
(2/2017, Case reports ) - The use of monoclonal antibodies in neurology
prof. MUDr. Egon Kurča, PhD., MUDr. Mária Cuninková
(6/2011, Main topic ) - MuSK antibody positive myasthenia gravis – our experience
doc. MUDr. Peter Špalek, PhD., MUDr. Ivan Martinka, PhD., MUDr. Štefan Kečkeš
(2/2021, Main topic ) - Cerebellar ataxia and stiff person syndrome in patient with anti-GAD antibodies
MUDr. Zuzana Dean, MUDr. Branislav Veselý, PhD
(2/2021, Video case reports ) - Antiphospholipid syndrome, a syndrome which can mimic multiple sclerosis
doc. MUDr. Jan Roth, CSc., MUDr. Ivana Kovářová, MUDr. Petra Nytrová, MUDr. Hana Kalistová, Ph.D.
(1/2009, Case reports ) - Autoimmune disease with positivity of anti‑CASPR2 antibodies – a case report
MUDr. Lubomír Jurák, Ph.D., MUDr. Zuzana Eichlová, MUDr. Eva Řeháčková, MUDr. Martin Jíra, MUDr. David Krýsl, Ph.D., MUDr. Martin Elišák, Ph.D., prof. MUDr. Petr Suchomel, Ph.D.
(1/2023, Case reports ) - Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes – essential characteristics, classification, etiopathogenesis and diagnostics
doc. MUDr. Pavel Štourač, Ph.D., prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Ambler, DrSc.2
(1/2013, Main topic ) - Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes of central nervous system
doc. MUDr. Pavel Štourač, Ph.D., MUDr. Jana Bednářová, Ph.D.
(1/2013, Main topic ) - Cognitive impairment in selected systemic connective tissue diseases
MUDr. Jolana Marková , Mgr. Silvie Johanidesová, MUDr. Kateřina Storey, Ph.D.
(3/2016, Main topic ) - Paraneoplastic syndromes of peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junction and muscles
prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Ambler, DrSc.
(1/2013, Main topic ) - Autoimunitní onemocnění centrálního nervového systému u dětí: současný pohled a terminologie
MUDr. Zuzana Libá, Ph.D.
(2/2018, Main topic ) - Anti-NMDAr-panecefalitida – klinická kazuistika
MUDr. Michaela Tomečková, MUDr. Ondřej Horák, doc. MUDr. Hana Ošlejšková, Ph.D.
(2/2018, Case reports ) - Treatment of multiple sclerosis in Czech Republic – options and reality
MUDr. Michal Dufek
(1/2014, Review articles ) - Autoimmune limbic encephalitis
doc. MUDr. Petr Marusič, Ph.D., MUDr. David Krýsl,
(3/2012, Review articles ) - Nejčastější chyby a omyly v diagnostice a terapii myasthenia gravis
prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Ambler, DrSc. , MUDr. Jiří Piťha
(5/2004, Review articles ) - Autoimmune encephalitis associated with anti-Caspr2 antibodies
MUDr. Martin Sabela, doc. MUDr. Ondřej Volný, Ph.D., Doc. MUDr. Michal Bar, Ph.D.
(3/2022, Case reports ) - Zánětlivé polyneuropatie
doc. MUDr. Josef Bednařík, CSc.
(3/2001, Main topic ) - Stiff limb syndrome
doc. MUDr. Edvard Ehler, CSc. , MUDr. Aleš Kopal, MUDr. Milan Mrklovský, MUDr. Jan Latta
(6/2010, Case reports ) - Guillain–Barré polyradiculoneuritis
MUDr. František Cibulčík, PhD.
(1/2016, Main topic ) - Paraproteinaemic neuropathies
prof. MUDr. Egon Kurča, PhD., MUDr. Monika Turčanová Koprušáková, PhD.
(1/2016, Main topic ) - Autoimmune encephalitides
MUDr. David Krýsl, Ph.D.
(3/2023, Main topic ) - Peripheral neuropathies in malignancies
prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Ambler, DrSc.
(5/2013, Review articles ) - Drug-induced cognitive impairments
MUDr. Petra Bártová, Ph.D., MUDr. Pavel Ressner, Ph.D.,
(2/2012, Main topic ) - Does the development of new drugs for multiple sclerosis change the prognosis of the patient?
prof. MUDr. Eva Havrdová, CSc.
(3/2011, Review articles ) - Polymyositis
prof. MUDr. Jiří Vencovský, DrSc.
(5/2014, From the boundary of neurology ) - Non-paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis with positivity of anti-LGI1 antibodies
prof. MUDr. Ivan Rektor, CSc., doc. MUDr. Robert Kuba, Ph.D., prof. MUDr. Milan Brázdil, Ph.D., MUDr. Irena Doležalová, MUDr. Klára Musilová, doc. MUDr. Tomáš Kašpárek, Ph.D.
(4/2012, Case reports )
- Anti-infectives therapy in children with macrolides, azalides, ketolides and streptogramines
doc. MUDr. Alena Ďurišová, CSc.
(2/2012, Review articles ) - The present of registered HPV vaccines
doc. MUDr. Roman Chlíbek, Ph.D., MUDr. Jan Smetana, MUDr. Vanda Boštíková
(1/2011, Review articles ) - Viral hepatitis A
MUDr. Ingrid Urbančíková
MUDr. Luděk Rožnovský, CSc.
(4/2007, Review articles ) - Severe asthma in childhood
doc. MUDr. Peter Čižnár, CSc.
(4/2013, Review articles ) - The safety issues of anti-TNF therapy in paediatric rheumatology
doc. MUDr. Veronika Vargová, PhD.
(2/2009, Drugs & drug classes ) - Arterial thrombosis in 10-year old girl
doc. MUDr. Michal Hladík, Ph.D., MUDr. Daniel Czerný, MUDr. Tomáš Pískovský, MUDr. Barbora Králiková, MUDr. Bohumír Blažek, MUDr. Václav Procházka, Ph.D.,, doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Horáček, CSc.
(4/2013, Case reports ) - Anti-IgE therapy of severe asthma in children and adolescents
doc. MUDr. Peter Čižnár, CSc.
(3/2012, Case reports ) - Viral hepatitis A
MUDr. Ingrid Urbančíková
(1/2010, Review articles ) - We have a daughter or not? Androgen insensivity syndrome
MUDr. Silvia Bajová, MUDr. Jitka Kytnarová, doc. MUDr. Alice Baxová, doc. MUDr. Radim Kočvara, Ph.D., MUDr. Blanka Zlatohlávková, Ph.D., MUDr. Rachel Paslerová, prof. MUDr. Richard Plavka, CSc.
(5/2014, Original articles & Case reports )
- Monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
MUDr. Eva Mikušková, MUDr. Ľudmila Demitrovičová, MUDr. Juraj Chudej, PhD.
(6/2014, Oncohematology Review ) - New Therapeutic Opportunities in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
MUDr. Eva Mikušková, MUDr. Juraj Chudej, PhD., MUDr. Juraj Sokol, MUDr. Ľubica Váleková, PhD., MUDr. Emília Flochová, PhD., MUDr. Matej Hrnčár
(6/2014, Oncohematology Review ) - Monoclonal antibodies in treatment of multiple myeloma
prof. MUDr. Elena Tóthová, CSc., MUDr. Adriana Kafková, PhD.
(5/2016, Spectrum ) - Lymphoma biologic therapy
MUDr. Andrej Vranovský, PhD.
(1/2011, Review articles ) - Personalized medicine approach in metastatatic colorectal cancer
MUDr. Vanda Ušáková, PhD.
(6/2013, Review articles ) - Review of of pharmacotherapy of metastatic melanoma
MUDr. Slavomír Urbanček, PhD.
(6/2016, Main topic ) - How to improve the first line treatment of NSCLC with EGFR mutation?
doc. MUDr. Peter Beržinec, CSc.
(6/2016, Review articles ) - Immune checkpoint inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer therapy
MUDr. Mária Černá, CSc.
(6/2015, Main topic ) - New trends in the immunotherapy of cancer
MUDr. Ján Lakota, CSc.
(6/2016, Review articles ) - Metastatic colorectal cancer – results of treatment of the primary tumor localization
MUDr. Vanda Ušáková, PhD.
(2/2017, Review articles ) - The application of biological treatment in metastatic colorectal carcinoma in relation to primary tumor localization
MUDr. Miriam Drahokoupilová, MUDr. Mária Novisedláková, MUDr. Vladimír Václav
(5/2017, Original articles & case reports ) - Future of treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
prof. MUDr. Elena Tóthová, CSc., MUDr. Adriana Kafková, PhD.
(5/2012, Main topic ) - Treatment and prognosis of patients with hairy cell leukaemia treated in 1996 – 2010 at the National Cancer Institute in Bratislava
MUDr. Miriam Ladická, MUDr. Ľudmila Demitrovičová, MUDr. Radoslav Greksák, PhD., MUDr. Iveta Oravcová, PhD.
(4/2011, Original articles & case reports ) - Anti-EGFR treatment in colorectal cancer – what is ist role today and in the future?
MUDr. Filip Kohútek, PhD., MUDr. Branislav Bystrický, PhD., MPH
(5/2019, Review articles ) - Pathology of kidney tumours
prof. MUDr. Štefan Galbavý, DrSc.
(5/2010, Review articles ) - The use of immunotherapy in pediatric oncology
MUDr. Viera Bajčiová, CSc.
(1/2014, Review articles ) - New mechanism of action in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma: m-TOR – a novel target
MUDr. Hana Študentová, prof. MUDr. Bohuslav Melichar, Ph.D.
(5/2010, Review articles ) - Treatment of metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma after failure of first-line treatment
MUDr. Marián Streško, PhD.
(4/2014, Main topic ) - Ras genes of metastatic colorectal carcinoma
RNDr. Katarína Hlinková
(4/2014, Review articles ) - Nežiaduce účinky imunoterapie a ich manažment
MUDr. Jaroslava Lešková
(2/2018, Main topic ) - Zriedkavý nádor hrudníka: malígny pleurálny mezotelióm
MUDr. Lucia Denková, MUDr. František Sándor, PhD., FCCP
(3/2018, Main topic ) - Gravidita po onkologickej liečbe
MUDr. Katarína Rejleková, PhD.
(3/2018, Review articles ) - Daratumumab v kombinovanej liečbe mnohopočetného myelómu
MUDr. Ľubica Harvanová, PhD., doc. MUDr. Martin Mistrík, PhD., prof. MUDr. Angelika Bátorová, PhD.
(3/2018, Drugs & drug classes ) - Publikujeme v zahraničí
(3/2018, Information & comments ) - Biological therapy in colorectal cancer
MUDr. Jozef Dolinský
(2/2011, Review articles ) - Molecular biology of colorectal cancer from the perspective of the pathologist
MUDr. Michal Kalman
(5/2014, Main topic ) - Current possibilities of immunotherapy in the treatment of malignant melanoma
MUDr. Iveta Andrezálová Vochyanová
(4/2016, Main topic ) - Immune therapy of metastatic renal cell carcinoma
MUDr. Michal Chovanec, PhD.
(4/2016, Main topic ) - Targeted terapy of gastric cancer
MUDr. Vanda Ušáková, PhD.
(5/2014, Review articles ) - Správa z podujatia ASCO Chicago 2012
(3/2012, Events ) - Optimization of treatment of colorectal cancer
MUDr. Iveta Andrezálová Vochyanová
(5/2015, Review articles ) - A case of a patient developed an acute coronary syndrome during the treatment with Bevacizumab
MUDr. Mária Rečková, Prof. MUDr. Beata Mladosievičová, CSc., MUDr. Barbora Piteková
(5/2015, Original articles & case reports ) - The current status of biological therapy for relapsed/refractory classical hodgkin lymphoma – a case report
MUDr. Eva Mikušková, MUDr. Juraj Chudej, PhD., MUDr. Ľubica Váleková, PhD., MUDr. Matej Hrnčár, MUDr. Juraj Sokol, PhD., MUDr. Andrej Rosík
(2/2015, Original articles & case reports ) - Optimal first-line treatment of mCRC
MUDr. Jana Ďurková
(1/2017, Review articles ) - Treatment of indolent B-cell lymphomas
MUDr. Veronika Ballová
(2/2014, Main topic ) - Treatment of BRAF wt metastatic colorectal cancer
MUDr. Vanda Ušáková, PhD.
(4/2021, Review articles ) - Initial treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
MUDr. Emília Flochová, PhD.
prof. MUDr. Pavel Klener, DrSc.
(6/2007, Review articles ) - Pancreatic and biliary cancer
MUDr. Filip Kohútek, PhD., MUDr. Tomáš Sedláček, MUDr. Branislav Bystrický, PhD., MPH
(1/2018, Review articles ) - Hepatitis B in the cancer patients treated by chemotherapy
MUDr. Tomáš Šálek, doc. MUDr. Peter Jarčuška, PhD., MUDr. Sylvia Dražilová, MUDr. Marian Oltman, MUDr. Ľubomír Skladaný
(6/2011, Review articles ) - Suplement - Stratégia liečby malígnych lymfómov
(1/2018, online attachment )
- Správa z podujatia – XVI. smrdácke dni
MUDr. Alena Masarovičová, MUDr. Alina Hrabinová-Riaško
(1/2016, Events ) - Anti-aging, corrective and aesthetic medicine
MUDr. Katarína Soršáková Trnovská, PhD.
doc. MUDr. Marie Viktorinová, CSc.
(1/2007, Interdisciplinary overviews ) - Impact of life style change to biochemical parameters in psoriasis patients
MUDr. Zuzana Rajczyová, Ing. Pavel Blažíček, CSc., prof. MUDr. Mária Šimaljaková, PhD., MHA
(1/2016, Original articles & case reports ) - Calendula – a significant local anti-inflammatory agent
PharmDr. Marie Kašparová, Ph.D.
(1/2009, Interdisciplinary consilium ) - Interleukin (IL)-17 – new target in psoriasis therapy
doc. MUDr. Dušan Buchvald, CSc.
(1/2016, Drugs & drug classes ) - Bezpečnost sekukinumabu v terapii psoriázy
doc. MUDr. Miloslav Salavec, Ph.D.
(3/2018, Drugs & drug classes ) - XIV. kongres slovenských a českých dermatovenerológov s medzinárodnou účasťou, Jasná 2018
MUDr. Ján Lidaj
(3/2018, Events ) - Výber abstraktov zo XIV. kongresu slovenských a českých dermatovenerológov s medzinárodnou účasťou, Jasná 2018
(3/2018, Abstracts ) - Psoriasis – what is hidden beneath surface? Report from the satellite symposium Janssen
MUDr. Slavomír Urbanček, PhD.
(3/2012, Congress edition/special ) - Progress in the biological treatment of psoriasis
Prof. MUDr. Mária Šimaljaková, PhD
(1/2018, Drugs & drug classes ) - Správa z konferencie XVIII. smrdácke dni
MUDr. Ján Lidaj, MUDr. Alina Hrabinová
(1/2018, Events ) - Hidradenitis suppurativa - biological therapy
MUDr. Klaudia Péčová
(4/2016, Review articles ) - Novinky v dermatoonkológii
(1/2018, Information & comments ) - Overview of biological therapies for the treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa with a focus on bimekizumab
MUDr. Karolína Vorčáková, PhD.
(2/2024, Review articles ) - Review of of pharmacotherapy of metastatic melanoma
MUDr. Slavomír Urbanček, PhD.
(4/2016, Topic of the year ) - Options of correcting skin aging
MUDr. Martina Neradová
(4/2016, Corrective dermatology ) - Ixekizumab in the therapy of palmoplantar psoriasis – case report
MUDr. Martina Part, PhD., MPH
(4/2024, Case reports ) - PEMPHIGUS ERYTHEMATOSUS
MUDr. Alena Machovcová, MBA, MUDr. Linda Bláhová, MUDr. Vít Campr, doc. MUDr. Lumír Pock, CSc
(3-4/2007, Case reports ) - Apremilast in dermatology
MUDr. Dana Prusíková
(1/2019, Drugs & drug classes ) - HIV infection – an actuall issue
Doc. RNDr. Danica Staneková, CSc.
(2/2015, Topic of the year ) - XI. kongres českých a slovenských dermatovenerológov, 21. – 23. 5. 2015, Top Hotel Praha
MUDr. Ján Lidaj
MUDr. Liliana Šedová, MUDr. Jiří Štolfa
(2/2007, Interdisciplinary overviews ) - View of clinical immunology on targeted therapy of psoriasis
doc. MUDr. Martin Hrubiško, PhD.
(1/2012, Interdisciplinary consilium ) - Head louse remains a problem
RNDr. Václav Rupeš, CSc., MUDr. Jana Vlčková
(4/2010, Review articles ) - Zacielenie na IL-17A a F: nový prístup k liečbe psoriázy
prof. Richard Warren, BSc, MBChB, MRCP, PhD.
(S1 Dopĺňanie písmen v abecede psoriázy/2023, Supplement ) - Psoriasis – yesterday and today
MUDr. Zuzana Baranová, PhD.
(2/2023, Review articles ) - Poznatky ze 70. výročního mítinku Americké akademie dermatologie (San Diego, 15.–20. 3. 2012)
doc. MUDr. Karel Ettler, CSc.
(4/2012, Events )
doc. MUDr. Jozef Lukáč, CSc., MUDr. Oľga Lukáčová, CSc.
(3-4/2007, clearly )
- Actual strategies in pharmacotherapy of skin disorders – acne and psoriasis
Doc. PharmDr. Ján Klimas, PhD., MPH
(3/2016, Current pharmacotherapy ) - Adverse effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the gastrointestinal tract
PharmDr. Marcel Jusko, PhD.
(3/2012, For pharmaceutical laboratory technicians ) - Pharmacotherapy of inflammatory rheumatic diseases
PharmDr. Tatiana Geročová, PhD.
(2-3/2014, Current pharmacotherapy ) - Local drugs for oral mucosa diseases
PharmDr. Jan Gajdziok, Eliška Tajovská, PharmDr. Martina Bajerová, PharmDr. Zuzana Chalupová, Ph.D.
(1/2011, Current pharmacotherapy ) - The present of registered HPV vaccines
doc. MUDr. Roman Chlíbek, Ph.D., MUDr. Jan Smetana, MUDr. Vanda Boštíková
(1/2011, Current pharmacotherapy ) - Adverse effects and drug interactions of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and their management as seen by a pharmacist
Martin Doseděl
(2-3/2014, Current pharmacotherapy ) - The current possibilities of the treatment of bronchial asthma
prof. MUDr. Eva Rozborilová, CSc., prof. MUDr. Gabriela Nosáľová, DrSc.
(2/2012, Current pharmacotherapy ) - Vulvovaginitides – inflammations of the vulva and vagina
MUDr. Zuzana Dostálová, Ph.D., MUDr. Romana Gerychová
(1/2012, Current pharmacotherapy ) - Nové liečivá v EÚ registrované v roku 2015 (I.)
PharmDr. Peter Stanko, Mgr. Zuzana Černáková
(1/2016, New drugs )
- Novinky v profylaxii venózneho tromboembolizmu
MUDr. Helena Rusnáková
(3-4/2012, Congress edition/special ) - The importance of Chlamydophila pneumoniae and cytomegalovirus infection in development of carotid plaques
MUDr. Roman Slyško, PhD., MUDr. Ján Tomka, PhD., prof. MUDr. Vladimír Šefránek, PhD., MUDr. Ján Kazár, DrSc., Mgr. Juraj Gašparovič, MUDr. Eva Kováčová, PhD., MUDr. Katarína Daňová
(2/2010, Review articles ) - Apixaban – a new oral anticoagulant
prof. MUDr. Peter Kubisz, DrSc., doc. MUDr. Ján Staško, PhD., mim. prof., MUDr. Zuzana Jedináková
(1/2014, Drugs & drug classes ) - Monitoring of haemostasis in women with high-risk pregnancies on anticoagulant therapy
doc. MUDr. Miroslava Dobrotová, PhD., MUDr. Lucia Stančiaková, MUDr. Pavol Hollý, PhD., MUDr. Zuzana Jedináková, PhD., Ing. Ingrid Škorňová, PhD., Mgr. Lukáš Duraj, PhD., RNDr. Ľubica Kořínková
(3/2016, Main topic ) - Acquired hemophilia A
Doc. MUDr. Mária Hulíková, PhD.
(3-4/2017, Main topic ) - Mechanical thrombectomy using the Rotarex catheter in treatment of acute and subacute occlusions of peripheral arteries
MUDr. František Staněk, CSc., MUDr. Radoslava Ouhrabková, CSc., Bc. David Procházka
(4/2011, Original articles & Case reports ) - Komplexný prístup k profylaxii a liečbe venózneho tromboembolizmu
MUDr. Helena Rusnáková
(S2/2014, Supplement )
- Economic aspects of the treatment skin and soft tissue infections with anti-staphylococcal phage lyzate
prof. MUDr. Pavol Jarčuška, PhD.
(1/2015, Original articles )