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- Psychometric properties of the WHOQOL – 100 questionnaire in a a population of psychiatric outpatients
Mgr. Mariana Sedliaková, prof. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD.
(2/2021, Review articles )
- Vzácnosť prítomného okamihu
Prof. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD.et PhD.
(1-2e/2024, Editorial ) - Duševné zdravie
prof. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD.
(1-2e/2023, Editorial ) - Legislatívny zázrak
prof. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD.
(1-2e/2022, Editorial ) - Tento editoriál chcem venovať času a priestoru...
prof. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD.
(1-2e/2021, Editorial ) - The Values and Perceived Meaningfulness of Life of Dying Patients
Mgr. Diana Horniaková, prof. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD., Mgr. Mária Dědová, PhD.
(1-2e/2020, Original articles ) - Approach to a patient with dementia in palliative care
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et. PhD.
(1e/2019, Review articles ) - Communication with relatives of the patient in palliative care
Doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD, Mgr. Barbora Mešková
(1-2e/2017, Review articles ) - Úvodné slovo
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD.
(1/2013, Editorial ) - Exploring pain management in socio-psychological perspective
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD., Bc. Eva Weberová
(1/2013, Original articles ) - Meaning of live from the perspective of the dying patients
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD., Mgr. Dušana Pčolková
(3/2012, Original articles ) - Significant factors affecting the grieving process of socio-psychological perspective
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD.
(2/2012, Interdisciplinary consilium ) - Správa zo 6. ročníka medzinárodnej konferencie hospicovej a paliatívnej starostlivosti
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD.
(2/2012, Events ) - The necessity of multidisciplinar care of the dying patients in their homes – the research analyze of the Agency of home nursing care
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et PhD, Mgr. Erika Slamková
(1/2012, Original articles ) - Various approaches in studying the quality of life in dying patients and possibilities of its investigation using Mc Gill questionnaire
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et. PhD.
(1/2011, Original articles ) - Palliative care about the children with HIV/AIDS in Kenya
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et. PhD., PhDr. Lenka Fabianová, PhD.
(1/2011, Information & comments ) - Review of categories of psychical pain
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD.et.PhD.
(3/2010, Interdisciplinary consilium ) - Social support and its importance for adolescents with cancer
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et. PhD., PhDr. Lucia Lekárová, PhD.
(2/2010, Interdisciplinary consilium ) - Konferencie ako jeden zo spôsobov edukácie v hospicovej a paliatívnej starostlivosti
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD. et. PhD.
(2/2010, Events ) - Postoje verejnosti k hospicovej starostlivosti
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD.
(1/2010, Editorial ) - Requirements for nurses working with the dying people in home care agencies
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Patricia Dobríková, PhD., Bc. Erika Slamková
(3/2009, Nursing ) - Psychical problems of the incurably ill and the tasks of a psychologist in palliative care
Patricia Dobríková
(3/2008, Review articles )