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- Uprostred infodemického sveta
MUDr. Michal Patarák, PhD.
(4/2022, Editorial )
- Správa zo XVI. Slovenského psychiatrického zjazdu
MUDr. Michal Patarák, PhD., MUDr. Igor Riečanský, PhD.
(3/2024, Events ) - K mladým kolegom
MUDr. Michal Patarák, PhD.
(2/2024, Editorial ) - (De)human-izácia
MUDr. Michal Patarák, PhD.
(3/2023, Editorial ) - Uprostred infodemického sveta
MUDr. Michal Patarák, PhD.
(1/2022, Editorial ) - Psychiater mimo ambulancie, psychiater vo svojom súkromí
MUDr. Michal Patarák, PhD.
(1/2022, Information & comments ) - Hmla medzi dvoma rozhraniami
MUDr. Michal Patarák, PhD.
(1/2021, Editorial ) - Gender incongruence
MUDr. Michal Patarák, PhD.
(4/2020, Review articles ) - Neurotropizmus SARS-CoV-2 a relevancia COVID-19 pre psychiatriu
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(2/2020, Information & comments ) - Je depatologizácia rodového nesúladu naozaj destigmatizujúca?
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(2/2020, Information & comments ) - 11. Bojnická AT konferencia (Dni profesora Vladimíra Novotného v Bojniciach)
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(3/2019, Events ) - Inadequate definitions of paraphilias in current psychiatric classifications
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(1/2019, Review articles ) - Komentár k článku „Závislosť“ od sexu ako staronový fenomén?
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(3/2018, Information & comments ) - The concept of sublimation and its difficulties
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(4/2015, Review articles ) - Holistická podstata psychiatrie
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(4/2014, Editorial ) - Neurochemical correlates of suicidal behavior
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(3/2014, Review articles ) - Practical aspects and several new horizons for the use of ziprasidone
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(3/2013, Psychopharmacology ) - The works of Théodule Ribot and contemporary psychiatry
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(2/2013, Prominent figures in psychiatry ) - Towards clearer neurobiology of pathological gambling
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(1/2013, Review articles ) - O dobre v psychiatrii
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(1/2013, Editorial ) - Methamphetamine as „relational object“ and erotic symbol?
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(3/2012, Original articles & case reports ) - Dualistic neurobiological approaches to emotions and their overcome
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(1/2012, Review articles ) - Dopamine agonist induced psychosis in Parkinson´s disease
MUDr. Michal Patarák, MUDr. Ján Necpál
(2/2011, Review articles ) - Extended amygdala in contemporary biological psychiatry
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(5–6/2010, Review articles ) - Antinociceptive effect of venlafaxine
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(4/2010, Review articles ) - Amisulprid monotherapy in breastfeeding psychotic patient
MUDr. Michal Patarák
(2–3/2010, Original articles & case reports )
- Hereditary chorea with a tendency to insanity and adult onset: 150 years since George Huntington and his disease
MUDr. Ján Necpál, MUDr. Michal Patarák, PhD.
(1/2022, online attachment )