Via practica 3/2007


Authors inform about the drug scene (young abusers) in Slovak Republic. The situation is currently comparable with other countries within the E.U. Most abused are cannabinoids and amphetamines. The use of heroin has declined considerably. However, the use of plant drugs is on the rise. Incidence of drug abuse among 0 – 14 year olds was 6 %, 15 – 19 year olds 60 %, 20 – 24 year olds 30 %, 25 – 29 year olds 7 % , 30 – 40 year 2 % and older group less than 1%. The most frequented start of drug abuse is among the 13 – 21 years old individuals. The Slovak population has aged. The average age increased, which makes the situation appear relatively stabilized. We must note that the population is more informed and more alert about drugs, especially children and young adults.

Keywords: drugs of abuse, young abusers, drugs, acute intoxication.