Via practica 2/2006


Venous thrombosis due to its high prevalence and critical sequelae such as potentially fatal pulmonary embolism and post-thrombotic syndrome represents a serious medical and social problem. The attention has been focused on the identification of the risk patient groups as current prophylaxis and therapy may significantly reduce the mortality and morbidity of venous thrombosis. In the last 20 years new hematological reasons of venous thromboembolism (VTE) have been revealed, either genetically determined or caused by other underlying diseases predisposing to the VTE. The new facts and the efforts to reveal the real reason of VTE in particular patient have increased the requests for the hemostaseological testing, which allows either to identify the patients in risk or to facilitate the decision about the therapy and prophylaxis.

Keywords: venous thrombosis; congenital thrombophilia; thromboprophylaxis.