Oxygenoterapia kritických pacientov v prednemocničnej starostlivosti // SOLEN

Via practica 5/2023

Oxygen therapy in critically ill patients in pre-hospital care

Oxygen is one of the most widely used drugs in emergency medicine and rescue services. It is therefore important to know the indications, contraindications of its use, as well as the risks resulting from its incorrect administration. The article discusses the principles of safe oxygen therapy of critically ill patients based on knowledge of evidence-based medicine. It is recommended to administer oxygen according to target saturation values. Oxygen should be administered to achieve a target saturation of 94–98 % for most critically ill patients or 88–92 % in those at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure. In critical conditions, it is necessary to administer oxygen immediately in high concentrations, adjusted according to the result of oximetry, and subsequently also by examining blood gases in hospital. A pulse oximeter should be available wherever oxygen therapy is used acutely.

Keywords: oxygen therapy, critical patient, oxygen saturations in peripheral bl