COVID-19 – ako poznamenala pandémia organizáciu práce všeobecného lekára pre dospelých? // SOLEN

Via practica 4/2022

COVID-19 – how pandemic marked general practitioner work organization?

The COVID-19 pandemic took the world by surprise with its dynamism and gravity. The original information presupposed strict antiepidemic measures to prevent its spread, the development pointed to the importance of collective immunity obtained by vaccination. In healthcare, it was necessary to manage the influx of patients, which is dominant in primary health care clinics, which often remained professionally and organizationally alone in their activities. Patients with a severe course of the disease have become a problem especially in the intensive care unit. The course of the epidemic pointed out the importance of changes in the system of health care provision. The care of health professionals was often limited by the dynamics of the development of knowledge, marked by the pressure of the media, often disinformed by the public, often the originally promising drugs went to oblivion relatively quickly. With the temporary retreat of the epidemic, it probably came time to evaluate the approach in all spheres of society, which would be a lesson for the future.

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, primary health care, guide line, healthcare management, reprofiling of health care, telemedicine