Vysoké kardiovaskulárne riziko pacienta s kritickou končatinovou ischémiou – zásady konzervatívneho manažmentu // SOLEN

Vaskulárna medicína 3/2011

High cardiovascular risk in patient with critical limb ischaemia – principles of conservative treatment

Critical limb ischaemia (CLI) as the most severe form of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is associated with a high risk of limb loss, as well as with significantly shortened life expectancy due to fatal cardiovascular events. Every third patient dies within one year after limb amputation. This high-risk population, besides the regime procedures, markedly benefit from aggressive treatment of cardiovascular risk factors that should be managed by physician experienced in complex treatment of atherosclerosis. The review article presents the principles of cardiovascular risk factors management of patients with KKI.

Keywords: critical limb ischaemia, cardiovascular risk, conservative treatment