Súčasný stav v endovaskulárnej liečbe ochorení aorty // SOLEN

Vaskulárna medicína S2/2013

Current state of endovascular treatment of aortic diseases

The article is an overview of the general concepts in endovascular treatment of aortic diseases and its current possibilities, results and limitations. Turbulent developments in the field of endovascular treatment of aortic disease have brought many changes in the indication criteria for the treatment of aortic diseases. Article summarize the current approaches for indications and therapy with special focus to the identification of suitable candidates for endovascular treatment, emphasize the key role of imaging modalities (predominantly computed tomography) and also the complexity and experience of the multidisciplinary team. As well the material and technical equipment of interventional suite are crucial for rapid and accurate diagnosis of aortic lesions, achieving therapeutic consensus, the optimal timing, progress and results of therapy, if the case is the preference of endovascular treatment.

Keywords: endovascular treatment, interventional radiology, stentgraft, aneurysm, dissection