Delirantné syndrómy pacientov na OIS // SOLEN

Vaskulárna medicína 1-2/2012

Acute postoperative confusion of ICU-patients

Delirium is an acute, most temporary changed consciousness, which is like acute state of health hazard coupled with increased morbidity and mortality. It is not only a maximal developed delirium tremens associated with the abuse of alcohol but all cognitive functions are affected. Pathogenesis of delirium is not absolutely clear. Increased awareness of delirium and improvements in the delivery of potent psychoactive medications including analgesics and sedatives will lead to better care of critically ill patients and ultimately improve patient outcomes (1). Prevention, early diagnosis with symptoms analysis and the right therapy of developed symptoms are very important for the reduction of morbidity and mortality.

Keywords: clouded states, delirium tremens, acute postoperative confusion.