Diabetes mellitus z pohľadu urológa // SOLEN

Urologie pro praxi 4/2024

Diabetes mellitus from the point of view of a urologist

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a global epidemic characterized by elevated blood glucose levels with significant morbidity and mortality. DM can lead to acute and chronic complications in virtually all body organs, including the urogenital system. The issue of diagnosis and treatment of diabetic patients with urological and andrological problems is complex, extremly serious and constantly evolving. The article deals with the most common urological conditions that are specific to DM. Urological complications can last an unrecognizably long time, often oligosymptomatically, but they are often life-threatening for patients. The proper tretment of these diseases does not consist only in the stabilization of the urological problem, but also in the setting and adjustment of DM therapy. It can be said that diabetes increases the risk and severity of urological problems, and on the contrary, urological problems (especially inflammation) can lead to DM decompensation. Cooperation between a urologist and a diabetologist appears to be a necessity.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, urological complications, diagnosis, treatment.