Rádioinvazívna liečba pseudoaneuryzmy artérie pancreaticoduodenalis superior anterior s hroziacou ruptúrou – kazuistika a prehľad literatúry // SOLEN

Slovenská chirurgia 2/2012

Radioinvasive treatment of pseudoaneurysm of artery pancreaticoduodenalis superior anterior with imminent rupture – a case report and review

The case report presents a 46-year-old woman, who was brought to the surgical department because of intense epigastric pain and vomitus. She overcame acute pancreatitis two years ago. The patient had lightly elevated amylases and had anemia during admission. Ultrasound showed tumor of the head of pancreas of unknown origin and pseudocyst of the tail of pancreas. Consecutive computer tomography diagnosed pseudoaneurysm of pancreaticoduodenalis arcade with leakage of blood and an imminent rupture. The patient underwent an intervention surgery with coiling of artery pancreaticoduodenalis superior anterior at angiology workplace. Control angiography showed exclusion of pseudoaneurysm of the circulation. The patient was released in good condition on the fifth day after endovascular treatment.

Keywords: CT angiography, pseudoaneurysm of artery pancreaticoduodenalis, coiling.