Psychometrické vlastnosti dotazníka WHOQOL – 100 v populácii ambulantných psychiatrických pacientov // SOLEN

Psychiatria pre prax 2/2021

Psychometric properties of the WHOQOL – 100 questionnaire in a a population of psychiatric outpatients

The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the WHOQOL – 100 (World Health Organisation of Life Assessement) questionnaire in a population of adult psychiatric outpatients. The analyzed studies took place in the Netherlands, and proved good validy and reliability of the WHOQOL – 100 tool. Studies showed that there was a link between increase in depressive symptoms and decrease in quality of life. They also confirmed relation between decrease in quality of life and increase in somatic symptoms and in the levels of perceived social support. The results of the analyzed studies confirmed the good validity and reliability of the instrument in the group of psychiatric outpatients.

Keywords: WHOQOL – 100, psychiatric outpatient, quality of life, validity, reliability