Kognitivně behaviorální přístupy ke zvládání utrpení a strasti // SOLEN

Psychiatria pre prax 4/2017

Cognitive behavioral approaches to coping with suffering and hardship

Low level of ability to endure discomfort, hardship and distress, which are integral parts of adverse life events, may lead to loss of mental stability and maintenance of the psychological disorder. The patient often tries to cope with their suffering through avoidance and compensatory behavior that may relieve his pain immediately; however, in the long term it leads to thedeterioration in the quality of his life and the persistence of suffering. Cognitive- behavioral approaches focused on increasing the ability to endure unpleasant and distressful life experiences, allow the patient to better bear the inevitable losses in life, which he is exposed to, endure his anxiety, sadness, and the urge to impulsive action or escape; so the patient have more possibilities to act more freely, functionally and purposefully. Modern cognitive behavioral approaches, such as Dialectic Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Compassion Focused Therapy developed and applied therapeutic methods designed to increase the patient‘s resistance to suffering and his ability to cope it better. These approaches are used not only in patients with chronic psychiatric disorders, but also in patients with chronic physical illnesses and permanent disability.

Keywords: suffering, values, cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectic behavioral therapy, mindfulness based cognitive therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, compassion focused therapy