Monitoring diabetu pro farmaceuty // SOLEN

Praktické lekárnictvo 3/2023

Diabetes monitoring for pharmacists

Glucose determination is essential for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. In addition to laboratory blood glucose testing, there is currently a variety of options available for monitoring glucose levels, especially in the patient’s home environment. These options include the use of glucometers and intermittent or continuous monitoring using sensors. Patients thus have the opportunity to perform highly effective self-monitoring and actively participate in diabetes management. According to Czech and international recommendations, glucose sensors are currently indicated for all individuals with type 1 diabetes. Insulin pumps are further indicated for a specific group, and when combined with sensors and algorithms – known as hybrid pumps – they lead to further improvement in glucose control. All of these technologies are available in the Czech Republic, commonly utilized, and covered by public healthcare funding.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, glycemia, continuous glucose monitoring, glucose sensors