Moderní farmakoterapie Alzheimerovy nemoci // SOLEN

Praktické lekárnictvo 4/2024

Modern pharmacotherapy of Alzheimer’s disease

The article highlights the importance of dementia syndrome and its most common cause, Alzheimer‘s disease. It presents current options for not only pharmacotherapy but also support for patients and their family members. It delves into the most significant current development in new treatments for Alzheimer‘s disease, anti-amyloid therapy, discussing its effects, challenges, and the barriers currently considered in the approval process and practical implementation of these drugs. These medications offer significant hope for patients and their loved ones, demonstrating that it is possible to substantially slow or even halt the progression of Alzheimer‘s disease (and potentially other neurodegenerative diseases leading to dementia). However, the indications for these drugs are currently quite narrow, and not all patients will benefit from them even in the future. Therefore, it is crucial to fully utilize available symptomatic treatments, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological.

Keywords: dementia, Alzheimer´s disease, angiamyloid therapy, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, memantin