Analýza inšpekcií správnej lekárenskej praxe vo verejných lekárňach západoslovenského regiónu I. // SOLEN

Praktické lekárnictvo 1/2018

Analysis of inspections of good pharmacy practice in public pharmacies in the region of western Slovakia

Knowledge of the requirements set by Act No. 362/2011 Coll. and decree of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic No. 129/2012 Coll. is an important aspect of providing pharmaceutical care in accordance with the principles of good pharmacy practice. The aim of this publication is to investigate the level of pharmaceutical care in selected pharmacies in the region of western Slovakia. 78 public pharmacies were investigated. The measuring device were the control questions used by the inspectors during inspections in pharmacies. The results revealed that 92.66 % of pharmacies had all the establishment documents required for providing pharmaceutical care. 83.65 % of pharmacies had their SOP documents kept properly. On average, 84.10 % of pharmacies had the required documents of formal qualifications and job descriptions. Requirements regarding the pharmacy space were met by 88.94 % of pharmacies.

Keywords: inspection, control questions, Act No. 362/2011 Coll., decree of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic No. 129/2012 Coll.