Vegetariánska výživa detí // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 4/2009

Vegetarian nutrition of children

By exclusion of animal foods the diet lacks important sources of nutrients. Strict vegetarian diets, especially in young children are associated with an increased risk of nutrient deficiencies and subsequent health disorders. In strict forms of vegetarianism it is not simple to design nutritionally balanced diet with sufficient nutrient content, therefore diets based exclusively on plant foods are not recommended especially for infants and young children. If the parents are decided to feed their child vegetarian nutrition, they should prefer the lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. Well planned vegetarian diets that include variety of foods allow to achieve adequate nutrient intake that meets the recommended dietary allowances also in children in the period of growth and development. An important prerequisite for planning a nutritionally balanced vegetarian diet is sufficient knowledge of nutrition.

Keywords: children, vegetarian nutrition, health risks and benefits.