Transfúzia krvi u detí: kedy áno a kedy nie? // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 2/2012

Blood transfusion in children: when to use it and when no?

Blood transfusion is the important part of the medical treatment. The principle indication for hemotherapy is to prevent tissue hypoxia due to limited oxygen delivery. Although substitution of RBC might be a life saving therapy in hemodynamic instable patients with acute dramatic blood losses, mounting evidence indicates that RBC transfusions are associated with significant risks and complications. As a result, there has been growing interest and efforts to limit RBC transfusions mainly in critically ill children. Transfusion decision should be based upon patient´s clinical status and symptoms of anemia rather than on the arbituary threshold level of hemoglobin or hematocrit. The benefits of transfusion must be carefully weighed against the potential adverse efects of the intervention.

Keywords: blood transfusion, indication of transfusion, complications of transfusion.