Stravovací režim školákov na Slovensku // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 4/2007


Irregular food pattern is associated with an increased risk of obesity and negatively affects mental performance. Epidemiological study of dietary habits in a sample of 1 000 schoolchildren aged 6 – 16 y from 10 regions of Slovakia included evaluation of the dietary pattern. Results show breakfast skipping in 38,3 % of children. Consumption of mid-morning and afternoon snack is regular, however, their composition is not optimal. Dinner consume 95,4 % of children, but almost one third consume incomplete dinner without traditional soup. Deficits in food pattern are more pronounced in older age groups of children. Dietary counsellnig aimed at prevention of nutrition-related diseases should be provided already by the pediatricians and it should include also recommendations for regular dietary pattern. Results indicate that attention should be focused on older schoolchildren, living in rural areas and on parents with lower educational level.

Keywords: children, dietary pattern, obesity.