Metabolický syndróm u detí a úskalia jeho diagnostiky // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 3/2011

Metabolic syndrome in children and its diagnostic problems

Following an increasing prevalence of exogenous obesity in children there is an evidence of more frequent changes in their lipid and glucose metabolism. These metabolic changes together with obesity and arterial hypertension are a part of metabolic syndrome. The aim of study was to evaluate the incidence of metabolic syndrome and its clinical features in 77 obese children aged from 10 to 16 years. There were increased levels of triglycerides (53,3 %), low HDL cholesterol levels (54,4 %) present and almost in 8 % of them impaired glucose tolerance appeared. Based on IDF criteria we have diagnosed metabolic syndrome in 32,5 % in studied group, while using percentile borderline criteria for blood pressure the percentage of children with metabolic syndrome increased to 39 %. In the present paper we point out on problems in making the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome in children regarding to variability of presence its clinical features in this age. Based on our experience we suggest that each component of metabolic syndrome requires special notice and mostly non-pharmacological treatment.

Keywords: obesity, childhood, metabolic syndrome.