Pediatria pre prax 4/2008


The treatment with recombinant growth hormone started in Slovakia in 1992. The first indication was a deficit of growth hormone in childhood, later on the indications broadened to the use of growth hormone in children with Turner syndrome and children who have growth retardation and have chronic renal failure. New evidence about metabolic effect of growth hormone as a neurotransmitter lead to its use in the treatment of children with Prader-Willy syndrome and in adults with a heavy deficit of growth hormone, especially after surgeries on adenohypophysis or in patients with persistent deficit of growth hormone since childhood. Last two years children born with low birth weight and/or length and persistent growth retardation were also treated in Slovakia. The author discusses in the article diagnostic criteria for treatment initiation in individual diagnosis, side effects of the treatment as well as monitoring of patients on treatment with growth hormone.

Keywords: growth hormone, treatment with growth hormone, indications of treatment, monitoring of treatment with growth hormone, deficit of growth hormone