Pediatria pre prax 5/2007


Celiac disease is a common autoimmune disorder, induced by the intake of gluten proteins present in wheat, barley and rye. Previously, it was considered to be a rare childhood disorder, but is actually considered a frequent condition, present at any age, which may have multiple complications. Active celiac disease is characterized by intestinal and/or extra-intestinal symptoms. Celiac disease is associated with increased rates of several diseases, such as iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis, dermatitis herpetiformis, several neurologic and endocrine diseases, various types other autoimmune disorders. The biopsy of small intestine is considered to be the “gold standard” for diagnosis celiac disease. Treatment of celiac disease dictates a strict, lifelong gluten-free diet, which results in remission for most individuals.

Keywords: celiac disease, autoimmune disorders, gluten-free diet.