Antirachitický účinok vitamínu D – praktické odporúčania pre pediatrickú prax // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 1/2010

Anti-rickets effect of vitamin D – practical guidelines for a pediatric praxis

Vitamin D belongs to the family of steroid hormones. Besides it’s biological effects in homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus, also important noncalcemic actions of vitamin D have been recognized (immunomodulatory, antiproliferative, effect on the blood pressure regulation, etc.). 25-hydroxyvitamin D (calcidiol) is the most reliable marker of vitamin D storages in human body. Optimal concentration of calcidiol (over 30 ng/ml) can be achieved by daily cholecalciferol intake of 800 IU on average. According to the current guidelines daily children are given intake of 600 – 800 IU of cholecalciferol daily starting early from the second week of life until to the end of third year of an age is effective to in prevention of vitamin D deficiency. In older children cholecalciferol supplementation is recomended in winter months until puberty. However, adequate calcium intake in food is mandatory for an achievement of anti rickets effect of vitamin D.

Keywords: vitamin D, calcidiol, prevention of vitamin D deficiency, daily cholecalciferol intake.