Slovník paliatívnej a terminálnej starostlivosti vyjadruje aj etické postoje // SOLEN

Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 3/2012

Dictionary palliative and terminal care and ethical attitudes expressed

Medical terminology in palliative medicine is highly impacted by fundamental values and ethical attitudes are significantly influencing the shape of medical vocabulary in the end-of-life situations. The discussion is already broadly open not only in the English or German speaking area, but also in the Czech. With our article we are trying to open the floor for discussion about terminology in palliative end-of-life care also in Slovak language. We hope that this theme will be interesting also for specialists working in the field of bioethics and language studies.

Keywords: palliative medicine, apllied etics, causal therapy, symptomatic therapy, euthanasia, quality of live.