Skúsenosti mexicko-amerických rodinných príslušníkov s umieraním blízkeho doma počas COVID-19 // SOLEN

Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 1-2e/2023

The experiences of Mexican American family members with a loved one dying at home during COVID-19

This paper focuses on a case study of an elderly Mexican American woman dying within the home during the COVID-19 pandemic and the experiences of family members throughout this period. These experiences include the interaction with hospice care services provided in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The emphasis on family and the concept of „familismo” is an important phenomenon to consider when examining hospice situations among Mexican American communities and is also discussed in the context of the case. Episodic interviews were utilized as the form of data collection and focused on family members attempting to provide emotional support from a distance due to COVID-19 restrictions. These experiences are analyzed using interpretive phenomenological analysis. The analysis thus provides insight into the experiences of caregivers as well as other family members in situations where hospice care is present and these experiences are considered in the context of cultural factors.

Keywords: This paper focuses on a case study of an elderly Mexican American woman dying within the home during the COVID-19 pandemic and the experiences of family members throughout this period. These experiences include the interaction with hospice care services provided in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The emphasis on family and the concept of „familismo” is an important phenomenon to consider when examining hospice situations among Mexican American communities and is also discussed in the context of the case. Episodic interviews were utilized as the form of data collection and focused on family members attempting to provide emotional support from a distance due to COVID-19 restrictions. These experiences are analyzed using interpretive phenomenological analysis. The analysis thus provides insight into the experiences of caregivers as well as other family members in situations where hospice care is present and these experiences are considered in the context of cultural factors.