Principy neonkologické paliativní péče – pohled geriatra // SOLEN

Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 2/2008

Principles of non-onkocogy palliative care – the geriatrician‘s point of view

More then 50 percent of specialize palliative care is contemporary palliative care settings non-oncologic palliative care. But also in countries like England there is not provided non-oncologic palliative care sufficiently. The reasons are as medical as in management of care. The main problem is more difficulties in predictability of prognosis and solution could be found in multidisciplinary team work. Because of oscillation of clinical statement the mainstay of the caring team is built by home care team (nurse-specialist, general practitioner), family and voluntary care givers and specialist – for example cardiologist. Discussing problem is growing up in the older population and the reason is not only age, but also larger gloulishness and incidence of civilizational diseases with their consequences in psychosocial and spiritual needs. The article tries to describe not only the reasons but also options for solution of some symptoms of advanced non-oncologic diseases in palliative care.

Keywords: non-oncologic palliative care, communicating barriers, geriatric palliative care, syndrom of geriatric frailty, phases of dying.