Paliatívna liečba a starostlivosť o chorých so sclerosis multiplex // SOLEN

Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 1/2010

Palliative care and treatment in multiple sclerosis patients

Multiple sclerosis is inflammatory and degenerative disease of the central nervous system with autoimmune origin. In progressive types of multiple sclerosis and after disease modifying treatment failure attention focuses primarily to the symptom treatment and the need for palliative care. The most common symptoms are movement disorders, spasticity, pain, visual disturbances, fatigue, tremor, bulbar symptoms, sphincter disturbances, cognitive failure and depression. Patients often die of respiratory and renal complications. Maintaining quality of life and dignity of the patient should be the main aim of palliative treatment of this progressive neurological disease.

Keywords: multiple sclerosis, symptoms, quality of Life, palliative care.