Oznamovanie nepriaznivých informácií v liečbe paliatívneho pacienta // SOLEN

Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 3/2009

„Bad News” Communication in palliative care

Relationship between physician and patient and their effective communication are key elements in palliative care. The approach in communicating information, predictions and prognoses to patient will have a crucial effect on his/her behavior, as well as on the result of palliative treatment and care. To minimize psychological and emotional distress felt in patient, the healthcare professional should be able to communicate in a forthright, coherent manner and employ a clear communication strategy. Successful communication results in conveying necessary information within the context of already transferred knowledge, in a manner that is most appropriate to the recipient and his mental, physical and emotional state. It is important to offer the patient sufficient space for reaction with dutiful res pect to his individual features and needs. Emotional support and empathy together with clearly stated therapeutic plan can prevent isolation and helpless feelings in the patient.

Keywords: palliative care, physician-patient relationship, "bad news" communication, communication skills, emotional support, empathy, patient centered care.