Ošetřovatelská diagnóza úzkost ze smrti u klientů v lůžkovém hospici // SOLEN

Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 1-2e/2020

Nursing diagnosis of death anxiety of cliens in inpatient hospic

The article was created on the basis of research into the implementation of the bachelor‘s thesis of a third-year student of SLU FVP UO Filip Schramm, supervisor PhDr. Zdenka Rimovska, Ph.D. The topic was the care of the terminally ill patients in a hospice. Hospice is primarily intended for patients who have discontinued causal therapy and switched to palliative therapy. The article deals with the issue of palliative and hospice care with an emphasis on the occurrence of nursing diagnosis of anxiety from the death of NANDA taxonomy in hospice patients. The main goal was to map the incidence of nursing diagnosis of NANDA taxonomy death anxiety in hospice patients. Capture and explore the intensity with which the individual characteristics occur.

Keywords: palliative care, hospice, death, dying, death anxiety