Obecná a specializovaná paliativní péče v ČR // SOLEN

Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 1/2012

General and specialist palliative care in Czech republic

According to the complexity of care needed to achieve a good quality of life the the general and specialist palliative care can be distinguished. General palliative care should be delivered by all health care providers, respecting the framework of their specialties. Specialist palliative care is provided by a multidiciplinary team of professionals with specific training in palliative care. The principal models of specialist palliative care services are: home palliative care, in-patient hospice and palliative care unit, out-patient palliative care clinic and palliative consultation team a palliative day center. In Czech Republic, compared to western Europe, the development of other forms of specialist palliative care services, except the in-patient hospices, is delayed.

Keywords: general palliative care, specialist palliative care, hospice, palliative care unit, out-patient palliative care clinic.