Možnosti paliativní péče u pokročilého chronického srdečního selhání // SOLEN

Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 2/2009

Advanced heart failure management in palliative care settings

Advanced heart failure is an interesting model of non-oncologic palliative care. It mingles cardiology, prospective research activities, geriatric aspects, psychosocial themes of life with incurable chronic disease. There is true we have skills to help these patients by standard medical procedures. But the practice shows the palliative care to need more. At first decision – patient needs palliative care, has needs up standard cardiological treatment. The decision is often needed to make already during active cardiological treatment and it is not „dialog about dying”. Very important stream of world palliative care is community care model and home palliative care in natural social environment. And we can do nothing without continuity of care and the trust from patient and his family. This article resumes holistic palliative care aspects from geriatric and hospice care environment.

Keywords: advanced heart failure, palliative care, holistic model of care, community care, geriatric palliative care.