Je dostupnost a kvalita paliativní péče poskytovaná pacientům s pokročilým chronickým srdečním selháním dostatečná? // SOLEN

Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 1-2e/2017

Is availability and quality of the palliative care in chronic cardiac failure patients sufficient?

Palliative hospice care in conditions of the Czech Republic is predominantly intended as a care of oncological patients. It is a fact that quality of life and satisfying of needs in some non-oncological patients is very often worse than in oncological group. From this point of view chronic heart failure patients are prevailing by number and by importance. Author´s aim is to give a report on the problem and to discuss possible solutions. More active participation of cardiologists in palliative care is needed.

Keywords: advanced heart failure, palliative care, hospice