Eschatologický přesah života v kontextu spirituality s implikací pro paliativní péči // SOLEN

Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 1-2e/2022

Eschatological transcendence of life in the context of spirituality with implications for palliative care

The paper deals with the meaning of the value of eternal life, which expresses the attitude to the eschatological overlap of human life. This value is viewed through the prism of cultural differences between the Czech and Slovak populations, as well as the differences resulting from different religious beliefs and related spiritualities. The results of the research on a representative sample of the Czech (n=3185) and Slovak (n=1564) populations showed that attitudes towards eternal life (eschatological overlap) depend significantly both on religious beliefs and on their interference with cultural differences of both populations. Three groups of attitudes toward eschatological overlap are discussed, emphasising use in value-based care.

Keywords: spirituality, eschatology, eternal life, palliative care, values-based care