Duševné zdravie u pacientov v paliatívnej medicíne so zreteľom na potrebu odbornej intervencie klinického psychológa a psychiatra // SOLEN

Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 1-2e/2024

Mental health in patients in palliative medicine with considering the need for professional intervention of clinical psychologist and psychiatrist

Psychical suffering among palliative care patients is often underidentified and undertreated. Common mental health issues include dementia, delirium, depression, anxiety, and existential distress, with an increasing incidence as physical conditions deteriorate. Effective treatments, such as psychotherapy and psychotropic medications, are underutilized due to various challenges. Studies indicate that better integration of psychiatry in palliative care teams can enhance the identification and treatment of psychological distress, yet this integration remains limited. Additionally, managing conditions like delirium and dementia, which are prevalent in advanced illness, requires a focus on comfort and symptom relief, with palliative care playing a crucial role in addressing these complex needs.

Keywords: palliative care, depression, anxiety, delirium, dementia