Základné princípy paliatívnej a hospicovej starostlivosti // SOLEN

Onkológia 6/2017

Basic principles of the palliative and hospice care

Palliative care is a medical speciality that focuses on prevention and reduction alleviating the suffering of all species and promoting the best possible quality of life for patients and their families who are exposed to a serious illness. It defines the main goals and plans, as well as the treatment priorities that are for the patient during the illness in the given situation best. This care should be provided at the same time as the other potential therapeutic or life-prolonging treatment at any time during any serious period disease. Several studies show that patients undergoing palliative care have better quality of life compared to patients receiving standard treatment without support paliatológa. Unlike palliative care, hospice care is only a part palliative care provided at the end of life. Palliative care services can be provided in a hospital, in a nursing home, ambulance or home.

Keywords: palliative care, hospice care