Vplyv inhibítorov CDK4/6 na celkové prežívanie pacientok s pokročilým karcinómom prsníka – vo svetle nových dát // SOLEN

Onkológia 2/2024

Impact of CDK 4/6 inhibitors on overall survival of patients with advanced breast cancer – in the light of new data

The most common subtype of breast cancer is the subtype with positive expression of hormone receptors (HR+), which accounts for almost 75% of malignant breast tumors. Endocrine treatment forms the basis of the treatment strategy for this large group of patients with HR+/HER2 negative disease (HER2-). Over the past decade, breakthrough innovative drugs have been introduced into treatment, and after years of approval processes, they are already available in Slovakia as preferred treatment options for advanced disease in the 1st and 2nd line of treatment. Combining hormonal therapy with cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK4/6) inhibitors is a?practice-changing treatment strategy. Medicines bring a?significant benefit in prolonging survival without disease progression, as well as having a?significant effect on the overall survival of patients. In addition, combined endocrine treatment (aromatase inhibitor, fulvestrant) with a?CDK4/6 inhibitors maintains and even improves the quality of life for patients on palliative treatment.

Keywords: breast cancer, endocrine therapy, CDK 4/6 inhibitirs, progression-free survival, overal survival