Úloha laparoskopie v manažmente peritoneálnej karcinomatózy // SOLEN

Onkológia 1/2014

The role of laparoscopy in the management of peritoneal carcinomatosis

The authors present change of the look on patients with carcinosis peritonei, meaning laparoscopic access in diagnosis those illness, staging determination and correct discretion about treatment possibilities like next step. They get in indications, technique and laparoscopic difficulty in patients with carcinosis. We have used laparoscopic surgery in the treatment of neoplastic ascites that did not respond to chemotherapy for palliative purposes by laparoscopic HIPEC procedure, shows option specimens, applied tempeature and duration HIPEC procedure.

Keywords: carcinosis peritonei, staging laparoscopy, refractory ascites, treatment of neoplastic ascites, laparoscopic cytoreductive surgery and laparoscopic HIPEC.