Súčasné názory na liečbu karcinómu kôry nadobličiek // SOLEN

Onkológia 1/2013

Contemporary possibilities of adrenocortical carcinoma treatment

Adrenocortical cancer (ACC), a rare malignant tumor with a heterogeneous presentation, incompletely understood pathogenesis, and generally poor prognosis, occurs (occuring) in 1-2 people per million inhabitants. No general consensus on the diagnostic and therapeutic measures for ACC exist. Radical surgery is the only curative modality, while systemic therapeutic tools remain as palliative options. Despite complete resection in stage I-III tumors, approximately 40 % of patients develop metastasis within 2 years. New targeted therapies are under investigation and may improve current treatment options. The role of surgical treatment, radiotherapy, systemic chemotherapy and novel targeted agents are reviewed.

Keywords: adrenocortical carcinoma, treatment, prognosis.