Špecifiká geriatrických pacientov v onkológii // SOLEN

Onkológia 5/2012

Specifics of geriatric patients in oncology

Prolonging human life by the growing number of seniors in the population is accompanied by an increased incidence of cancer in this population. The incidence of cancer in the elderly accounts for 50% of all cancers and is a steeper increase in the male population than female. In Slovakia, the incidence and spread of cancer identical to that in most EU countries. Early cancer detection rate among the elderly is limited polymorbidity and reluctance of patients to undergo preventative as well as diagnostic action. Early diagnosis of cancer allows selection of the appropriate treatment modality that takes into account performance status and comorbidities. Some of these patients require intensive training and so on and aftercare in the treatment of cancer. Failure when treatment when sick or getting into health care already at an advanced stage of the disease is suitable for palliative care. Palliative care is a complex of measures to improve the quality of life of patients and their families in the face of life-threatening disease so that timely identify and promptly diagnose and treat pain and other physical, psychosocial and spiritual problems, reducing suffering.

Keywords: geriatric patient, cancer, cancer cachexia, palliative care.