Onkológia 5/2012

Samoexpandabilný kovový biliárny stent pri zriedkavých benígnych striktúrach žlčovodov – dve kazuistiky

The percutaneous selfexpandable biliary metalic stent placement is an effective paliative therapy of the obstructive jaundice for malignant biliary obstruction. In the treatment of the obstructive jaundice for benign biliary obstruction are the plastic stents and, long therm biliary drainage respectively prefered. However, in the practice of interventional radiologist, there are very rare situations to take also metalic biliary stenting into consideration. In our presentation we are reporting two unusual cases of benign biliary obstruction solved by metalic biliary stent placement.

Keywords: obstructive jaundice, bile-duct stricture, metalic biliary stenting, liver echinococcosis, liver resection, biliary stenting patency.