Rýchlo progredujúce akútne zlyhanie pečene pri relapse mnohopočetného myelómu – kazuistika // SOLEN

Onkológia 6/2024

Rapidly progressive acute liver failure in relapsed multiple myeloma – a case report

Introduction: Liver dysfunction at diagnosis multiple myeloma is a lesser-known complication that occurs with biliary obstruction, plasma cell infiltration of the liver, amyloid or light chain deposition, or drug-induced liver injury. Case: The authors present the case of a 54-year-old man treated since august 2018 for the diagnosis of multiple myeloma – kappa light chains, clinical stage III.B (Salmon-Durrie, SD), ISS-2 (International Scoring System), R-ISS 2 (Revised - international scoring system), with standard genetic risk, CRAB: hyperalcemia, kidney damage – myeloma kidney, anemia, with bone involvement – pathological fracture of the vertebral body Th12), who in the relapse of the disease had fulminant liver failure due to infiltration by plasma cells. Conclusion: In diagnosis of liver dysfunction, the so-called mini-invasive intervention on the liver is of key importance, transjugular liver biopsy.

Keywords: liver failure, multiple myeloma, diagnosis, transjugular liver biopsy, treatment options