Pozícia chemoterapie FOLFOX v ambulantnej liečbe kolorektálneho karcinómu // SOLEN

Onkológia 3/2014

Position FOLFOX chemotherapy in the outpatient treatment of colorectal cancer

FOLFOX chemotherapy regimen is one of the most frequently used combination in colorectal cancer therapy. It has the unique place in adjuvant treatment of stage III. It plays key role in perioperative systemic treatment of liver metastases as well as in palliative care of irresectable metastatic disease. This regimen has acceptable toxicity; it is comfortable for patient and health care professional as well. When compared to bolus regimen, this one is more effective and has lower toxicity; its outpatient administration decrease the treatment costs and significantly improves the patient´s quality of life. The essential condition for this treatment is ensuring of central venous access. In our department, we use subcutaneous implantable venous ports for overall 8 years due to their unambiguous advantages as compared to other systems of central venous access. Care of port is relatively simple and frequency of complications is low. Thus chemotherapy can be administered in form of outpatient treatment without necessity of hospitalisation presenting significant improvement of patient´s quality of life during oncotherapy.

Keywords: colorectal cancer, FOLFOX, implantable subcutaneous venous ports.