Postavenie paliatívnej medicíny v organizácii onkologickej starostlivosti v Slovenskej republike // SOLEN

Onkológia 4/2012

The role of palliative medicine in the organizational frame of oncological care in Slovakia

In this work we would like to describe the role of palliative medicine in the organizational frame of oncological care in Slovakia. Basic statistic data are revealing that number of beds in palliative medicine and hospices is shaped rather coincidently according to the reimbursement rates and the effort to reduce a number of chronic beds. Further on we would like to point out a distinction between palliative treatments of cancer and palliative medicine, a distinction between social care and hospice care, the role and relevance of palliative medicine and we bring about some suggestions how to improve the present situation.

Keywords: palliative medicine, hospice, social care.